Echoes of the Life and Teachings of The Master Jesus
A series of little stories from a new angle of possibilities
Printed and Published
at the Valley Press
The Month of April
The Silent Wanderer
WE Labor for the Silent Wanderer,
Who travels among all nations.
His name is Love.
He is the shepherd,
but ye know Him not.
THE first seed was called Jesus, the Christ.
And now the fruit of His love, the bread
of His body, is everywhere, if ye will but
grasp and eat with understanding.
For Beauty and Love there is no death.
THE SILENT WANDERER goes from place to place, seeking love and rest among His people: and they know it not, and in their blindness rush on to their desired goal, which but leads to their childhood.
FORTUNATE is he who hears the soft tapping at the door of his heart, and whose voice responds to the tender appeal of the New-comer, the gentle Shepherd seeking rest after having placed his flock in safety for the night.
Matthew XXVII
Let not flesh reason when the clouds obscure the sun.
“He maketh thy enemy his footstool.”
AND IT SO HAPPENED that upon a certain day, the Master and His disciples were sore pressed, for there were those who did not believe, and those who feared the new teaching.
There were those also who had made dire threats to the twelve for their bold testimony. Then came the day for Jesus and the disciples to travel over the mountain to preach the gospel. It was voiced about that the road to Capernaum was dangerous and beset by ruffians: one a bold Captain named Barabbas, cruel and crafty, who would not hesitate to take life.
Peter, in apprehension for the safety of Jesus, said, “Master, is it not well that we arm ourselves to protect life and our property?” Jesus said, “Peter, whom service thou? If it is God, then have no fear of man or death, for thou shalt lose nothing which is thine.” So they prepared for the long journey. They traveled many miles, and became tired and worn. At nightfall they prepared to a place to rest and sleep. When all was made ready they heard shouts and curses, and were immediately surrounded by Barabbas and his men who quickly bound all those who sought to resist, save Jesus and John.
Barabbas faced the Master, exclaiming, “So this is the Carpenter, the professed son of God, who makes even the Romans frown! But tell me, where is thy power of sorcery now?”
Jesus, with a smile of compassion upon His face, said, “Barabbas, knowest thou not that what thou taketh thou canst not hold? Was it not so with thy mother in giving thee birth to fulfill the Gospel? Think well of these things, for we shall meet again. I shall soon be as free in my new Kingdom, as thou be bound on earth.”
Barabbas’ face became clouded with anger and resentment. He ordered his men to take all of the Apostles’ belongings and be on their way. As soon as they departed, John unbound the eleven while Jesus walked to a secluded spot, there to meditate and pray.
The next day before sunrise, they once more began their journey in silence.
Judas broke the silence, saying, “Master, why could we not have been escorted by soldiers?”
Jesus answered, “Because of thy lack of faith, do I this unto thee.” Peter said, “Master, I have still a strong arm, had I but a sword for our defense.”
But Jesus said, “Simon Peter, keep thy strong right hand to hold the Keys to My Kingdom.”
And thus, at each question, they were ashamed.
At last, on nearing their destination, they beheld a cloud of dust; and soon they discerned a man on horseback who approached the Master with a large bundle, saying, “My master, Barabbas, sent me in haste to return Thee all Thy belongings, and to say Thou art a greater thief than he, for Thou didst steal his black heart away. He shall upon the morrow surrender himself with those who have been cast into prison for making insurrection with him, and bids me add that he is not worthy to follow you near, but only at a distance so that Thy shadow shall not fall upon his unworthy body.”
And, with a low bow, the man disappeared. Peter turned to Jesus with tears of humiliation, and said, “Master, forgive us. We are but children in a new-found faith. I see the footstool at my feet.
“And behold, the unworthy master did become a servant unto us, for the city and our goods are before us.” And so it happened that the deed of forgiveness freed Barabbas once more, and, in turn, crucified the Master Jesus so that we might think, love, and pray.
NOTE: While these are the first and second stories to be printed, they are not the first in the unpublished manuscript known as “The Silent Wanderer”, from which the present series is being selected.
AND IT CAME TO PASS, after Joseph had received warning in his dream of the Christ Child’s danger, that he, with Mary, gathered together their few belongings and escaped in haste into the desert.
They continued, weary with heat and dust, until at last they beheld some tents. : whereupon Joseph spake unto Mary, saying, “Let us there find rest, and shelter from the sun.”
As they drew near, a woman of Mary’s age came forth. and with trembling voice besought them to wend their way, for her husband was a robber of the highway, and by nightfall would return with all his men.
But Joseph asked that they might rest until the shadows lengthened, so she bade them enter, and gave them milk and bread. Mary then asked for a basin of water with which to bathe her child, and this also was gladly furnished by the robber’s wife.
Upon beholding the white, transparent skin of the Baby Jesus, the poor woman wept many tears in admiration, saying, “Oh, that my child were so beautiful as thine!” And with that she brought from another tent, a child of the same age.
“Behold, what curse has been wrought upon my son!” she grieved, and showed them the little body which was covered with ulcers and sores. Mary was moved with a mother’s pity and said, “My sister, have ye faith in the power of Jehova? If so, then bathe thy child in this water with which my child was cleansed.”
With great faith and trembling the woman did as Mary said, and as she bathed the sores and ulcers, they fell away, until at last her child came forth all clean and whole.
Thirty-two years passed by, and three men were hanged upon the cross. One of them reviled the Man with the crown of thorns. The other gazed at Him with pity and respect, then said to the first, “Silence thy tongue, Knave! Canst thou not see that He is not one of us? We are hardened and deserve our merits, but this Man is just; and is it not an honor to die with Him?” Then, fixing his eyes upon the Master, he said in gentle tones, “Brother, have I not met Thee before?”
Jesus turned to him, and whispered, “Once thou wast cleansed by the same water that cleansed my body; and now at the last hour, shall thy body be cleansed by my blood, for thy kind words of comfort. Born from the heart of the most lowly and blind, thou yet didst see. I shall remember thee in my Father’s House; and, though an outcast, yet thy name shall live.”
And, Gentle Reader, the Book was closed: but to-day it lives upon the highest peak on earth — the Holy Bible.
ONE DAY JESUS and the Apostles were near the bank of a river partaking of some little food that they had brought to sustain them on their journey. Peter saw tears come into the Master’s eyes and fall onto His cheek, so he drew near. “Why weepest, thou?” he whispered softly. “Peter, just a few tears that you need not shed when I am gone.” replied the Master.