by Joseph A. Sadony [1877-1960]

“A brief study of certain possibilities of the human mind and the nature of modern prophecy in the light of the opinion and experience of Joseph A. Sadony.”

Valley of the Pines,
Montague, Michigan,
The Valley Press, 1924

God has given us the most wonderful Human Radio, and sent us a living example in the sacrifice of the Master, whose delicate, tender vital organs Mankind did destroy upon a Cross where God did attach a golden antenna to span the Universe, from whence messages of love and sacrifice were broadcasted – and not alone the Past, but the entire future.

  • Joseph A. Sadony.

I believe that it is an honor to live, and a greater honor to carry out inborn ideals, be they what they may. Judas, in the act of betraying Christ, entered the hall of Immortal names walking parallel with Jesus. He is the Night were all evil is hidden. Christ is the Light of the World. Still, if there were no night of evil, of what use would be the Master’s blessing? In this is the complete memory which tells us to pray – not for prayer alone, but that we may tune in our spiritual radios to receive the silent whispers of the Universe, which will inspire us to edify ourselves that the Human Race may become one happy Family, – living under the law of creation in our younger days, and the spiritual life of a Philosopher in our declining years, after the fire of Life has been rid of its smoke, the warm embers of love remaining.

  • Joseph A. Sadony.


Most of us think of a “Prophet” and the “spirit of prophecy” as a thing of the past. If we should ask a modern business man whether Prophets lived today, he might smile. Yet he is himself a “Prophet” or he would not be a successful business man.

The fault lies in association of thought and emotion about a word, such as “Prophet”, and an idea, such as “Prophecy”, which originally rotted themselves in the soil of a religion fertilized by superstition and blind unreasoning faith.

The man of today might prefer the term “Seer”, for his encyclopedia tells him that a “Seer, in the sense in which all antiquity believed in them, is simply a man who sees what others cannot see, whether of public or private interest” – whereas the Prophet is “an organ of Jehovah’s Kingship over His people…..”

The spirit of prophecy in the light of today retains the idea of foreseeing, (prevision), of foretelling, (prediction), but is stripped of Mystery and fanaticism. It is as free as the air we breathe, and not the reward exclusively of long struggling and ridiculous self-torture.

Call it a “Hunch”, an “Inspiration” – what you please. It is a “feeling in your bones”, whether based on experience amassed subconsciously through years of effort, or utterly without foundation of reason and logic. It is the “Intuition” which has evolved from animal Instinct, through knowledge in man, to itself as the mark of the “superman” that we may each become. It is to quote Mr. Sadony, “that law which governs crystallization in minerals, a law of individuality which governs instinct, the milestone of distinct species in animals: character and personality in man….”

Each generation brings its greater Prophets. We call them “men of foresight”, and speak of their deep insight into this and that – which is sufficient. They do not all cry out to the multitude. They may prophesy by their endeavors. They may materialize their own visions before others think to reap the fruit of what is possible, therefore inevitable if human progress is a fact.

We each tend to prophesy within boundaries familiar to our ambition. Our scope measures our prophecy. “I don’t believe it will rain today,” we state. “I wonder if…..” and then we forget the conclusion of our own thoughts.

A genius in any line confines his thought and efforts to the field of his interest. He specializes. He speaks with authority of past and present, which entitles him to “expectations” that are no less than predictions.

A Prophet to all would need be practiced in every trade, familiar with every tool, experienced in each phase of life.

False prophets are many. Thirst for gain or fame carries them out of bounds on wings of an imagination nourished by vanity but not governed by reason.

The essential thread of mankind has not changed. Intelligence of the past was transformed into beauty and jewels, instead of mechanical achievements. The Egyptians erected pyramids and preserved their dead instead of conquering the air. The Chinese studied stars and made delicate instruments of ivory, instead of harnessing steam in an engine. The age of specialization had not yet come. A man was a man; if a “scientist” he was likely also a “priest”; if he thought at all, he was a “philosopher”. Life as a whole was unified by that attitude which, being the “cause” of religion, was essentially religious.

Born on the crest of each wave of thought are its own prophets. Early interest was national, religious, militant. The spokesmen prophesied wars, the fate of nations, the wrath of a God. Later interest was individual, industrial, scientific. There was reaction against war and a revengeful God. Prophecy concerned itself with individual desire, needs, ambitions, with political and business ventures, scientific discoveries; it was in terms of love, happiness, peace, a state of mind and manner of living symbolized in “paradise” rather than “falling cities”……..

The astronomy of early China gave birth to astrologers that were punished with death for a mistaken prophecy. Astronomy today reveals prophets of eclipses, of comets, of all stellar movement according to known laws. And prophecy implies rather than prohibits such a knowledge of determined laws, be they of mathematics, Nature, or human nature.

A physician is consulted. By application of knowledge to his observations he diagnoses the present, deduces the past, and foresees likely developments which to the extent of his ability he controls. Without this insight into present and past, with its resultant foresight, he would fail in his profession.

Success in any line of endeavor is evidence of the conscious or unconscious use of this “power”, be it what it may. In fact, the test of the prophet is in achievement. A false prophet will have “words” without works.

So it is not difficult to find the true prophets. Edison made a business of organizing the fulfillment of “prophecies” on a large scale. The Wright brothers, Bell, Marconi – each a prophet in his own way. Then we find the “Business Prophets”, whose vision leads them to promote plans that determine the future condition of thousands of employees. Carnegie, Rockefeller, Ford, in fact every millionaire who did not inherit his money, are all Prophets.

Artists and authors strive to imprison their visions in pictures, symbols, words. Musicians and dramatists anticipate the trend of human emotions and often think themselves to be molding it, whereas they are merely the slaves.

An adequate study of living prophets would necessitate a catalogue of human endeavors, which in an age of specialization would be a tremendous task.

Our point is made. To those who have not understood the nature of Mr. Sadony’s work, we wish to say that whereas another might choose electricity, one of the sciences or arts, business or politics, Mr. Sadony has chosen as his field of labor, the human being which includes them all. His studies have been the human mind with all its attributes, human nature, human emotions, strengths, failings, possibilities and limitations. He has explored the human heart in all phases of life. He has equipped himself by experience with a knowledge of every tool and endeavor. He has undergone all sorrows, joys, as well as tortures to which the flesh is heir, that he might see and feel the needs of others. And he has investigated every line of thought and belief in the freedom of being identified with none.

For thirty years, without exacting compensation of any kind, Mr. Sadony has devoted his life to the solving of human problems.

In this, his chosen field, have this insight and foresight applied themselves. And that we, his friends, might better understand a certain result that we have questioned, he has permitted this booklet to be prepared, in which we quote, from letters, observations and accounts, a brief glimpse of the great amount of evidence on hand that the mind is indeed a human radio, that thoughts are things, and that the “spirit of prophecy”, far from being a thing of the dead past, is a vital activity of the human soul, expressing itself in all human endeavors as orderly and unmistakably as instinct in the perpetuation and preservation of animal species.

Mr. Sadony applied his theories not alone to others but to himself. That they “worked” was a matter of great moment to those who sought his advice.

He did find the sane solution of life and happiness in the world. Twenty years ago he set out to demonstrate that a man could build himself a “paradise on earth” with nothing but the desire to do so. His own desire for seclusion on a little eighty acre farm, near a large body of water, with a hill and valley, a winding stream, a grove of virgin pine, was so clearly formed as to convince him that it was the shadow of a reality that existed.

He sent forth a description. The place was found, but was not for sale. “It belongs to me!” he declared. And circumstances of the owners soon resulted in a reasonable sale. But it required all that he possessed. Then, without money, and as a labor of love, he built his paradise, The Valley of the Pines.

The world soon beat a path to his door. He continued his work of advising, without charge, the many thousands that wrote or came to him. His correspondence became so heavy at last that he was forced to select a little “flock”, over which he watched more closely, keeping in touch with them through correspondence. This “little flock” contained two thousand families in five hundred towns, in forty-three states and twenty-six foreign countries. Hundreds traveled long distances to talk with him. Still he found time to labor, and at the end of seventeen years felt that he had sufficiently demonstrated what a man could do with “nothing”, and that it was time to apply his theory to “business” for the better support of his family, as well as those whom he desired to help through charity.

His Valley was now a miniature kingdom, equipped with every tool, convenience and need. He had made a machine to form concrete blocks with which he built a laboratory for experiment in many fields; a studio for his correspondence, library and collection of curios; and a little home for his mother.

So at length he allowed himself to become known in a business way: first as “Consulting Efficiency Expert”, and then as “Advising Promoter and Consulting Executive” – not a sacrifice of his chosen work, but that he might better carry out his purpose among those in need.

The field of interest in a work of such scope, is unlimited. The subject in question, however, is “prophecy.” This includes with foresight, an insight into present and past, as well as that sensitivity of the mind which might be discussed in terms of “psychometry”, or “telepathy”, but finds more perfect illustration in its own counterpart and creation, the Radio” all thoughts that ever were or will be.

After thorough investigation extending over a long period of years, the evidence at hand has been found undeniable. The brief records to follow have been selected from unpublished records containing hundreds of cases in all details. But we agree with Mr. Sadony, that predictions, in themselves, whatever the comfort to an individual, are after all of less importance than that attitude or philosophy of life of which his foresight, success and mode of living are but the fruits.

My philosophy is not new. It is but the true inspiration of the prophets of old: for I do prophesy things that are to come. And if I am able to do so, then I must live in the future in order to bring it back today.

Our “knowledge” began in the past, by the accumulation of timber as material to compare with these things that happen each day. But that inspiration which every child of God can acquire, has been, is, and will continue to be in the very air we breathe. It is recorded as the rippling sands upon the sea-shore, which give evidence that there have been waves as sculptors; and when you see the waves, they tell you that they are sculptors at work, doing what they have done centuries ago, and will continue so to do.

  • Joseph A. Sadony.




Many thousands of people have asked about my work; have demanded an explanation of it, with admission or refutation of the many things that they have heard; have sought some intelligible “cause” or “means” to account for the effects and results which they are forced to admit, with or without hesitancy, that they have observed.

To these I am always glad to reply, because of their friendship, because of their most evident sincerity: in short, because they seek, ask, and knock at my door.

I have no desire to convince anyone of anything, I have nothing to say from my front door-step. But upon hearing a knock I hold open my door. To the voice of a friend or stranger, I can do naught but reply, “Come in.” Beyond this each must judge for himself, as I have judged, as others have judged.

That I have “found something” I do not deny. That the majority of people in this world have “not as yet found it”, cannot be denied. But that “it” is the heritage and flowering of mankind, the result of evolution; that each of you “possess it”, even “uses it”, with our without being aware of the fact; that it is yours for “possession” and “use” for the asking, and a simple observance of nature’s most evident laws – I do claim.

It is quite evident that I have a “house” of some sort. You may examine it if you wish. I did build it myself. So let us go back a step…..

I have lumber….. But let us go back another step.

I have a tree…… Let us go back still further.

I have a seed.

My house is proof of the seed. My lumber is evidence that I did chop down a tree; the tree that I found and planted a seed.

Would you enjoy such a house? If so “go do ye likewise.” Do you seek happiness, prosperity, security – in fact, Success?

Come dine with me then. This is my bread, my water. We are like children? We seem happy? We have all that makes for pleasure and for comfort?

Then here is a seed. Have patience.

Here is an axe…. Persevere.

Do you forget how to laugh? Is it so hard to be a child? Is it so difficult to have faith?….


We are electrical dynamos. The nerves are the wires which carry the impulse. The blood in the arteries is the iron core which induces the magnetism which we call love, or attraction.

Our ambition is the voltage of pressure; our endurance the amperes or volume; our circumstances the rheostat, and the soul within us the engineer or master. Everything depends upon the use that we make of this dynamo.

And surely one master engineer can read the indicators, voltage and amperes of any other mechanism. It is easy to understand, when one has mastered these little “mysteries”. But the uninitiated cannot understand the power of electricity. The real source is still a mystery. Wireless telegraphy proved still less comprehensible to the world at large; and even in the face of its general usage, its evolution to the radio was generally considered an impossible dream.

And yet, today we have the radio. It is regarded with little more emotion than the telephone, still it is a “miracle”.

People marvel at the possibilities of sensing thoughts in the air, but they will play with these radios, hearing music a thousand miles away. Is not the mind which created this radio which is able to receive vibrations from such a distance, greater than the radio which is but a creation or one possibly of its power?

We can conceive of nothing that has not its seed, reflection or possibility within ourselves. Every machine in existence is fundamentally a still and crude reproduction of some part of the human make-up, some combination of muscles, some faculty of body or mind.

The radio is but the outward echo of one facet of the human mind. As the radio develops we will not only hear but see, as can the sensitized mind.

We are Human Radios, the most sensitive, delicate, and perfect Radios conceivable, the perfect model from which all future improvements upon the electrical and mechanical radio will be derived. If this were not so, the radio would not be in existence. We can create or materialize nothing of which we do not ourselves consist. An invention is the manifestation and therefore absolute evidence of the existence of a thought – the thought, or that which is the seed or cause of the thought, giving it birth in accordance with definite laws.

Man, with all his ingenuity and constructiveness can discover nothing new. He merely conforms with a law already in existence for centuries. His sensibility of mind has but absorbed the radiance of existing truth, and this seems to astonish those less informed………


Let us suppose that you were to ask me for a certain flower that you had seen in Europe. If I have but three varieties, you will be unable to demonstrate the beauty of the one you have in mind. But if I have many kinds of flowers, you will likely be able to make a comparison that will convey your idea.

The process is similar to seeking the wavelength of a wireless impulse with a tuning coil. It is this same variation that gives us classical music, that gives us figures in mathematics, with rules and short methods. The more figures, experimental instruments, and acquired knowledge one possesses, the broader the scope of possible comparison.

Another stranger comes to me. He asks that I describe his father. The description is recorded in his mind, and if I have registered one thousand faces, there will be one among these that impresses me strangely. It is the addition of his mental picture that gives me this description as nearly as possible like the one in his mind, the registered picture that was his father.

These things were all clear to me very early in life, and I could demonstrate and prove them. But there was one thing that long remained half a problem, and that was how to predict. For in my own experience, the difference between past and future was that I appeared to get the information of the past through my mind, as in inductive thought, while in predicting it seemed as if I were in the future coming back, (deductive thought,) and with it a sort of reverential awe, a kind of ecstasy as if just returning from a grand concert, or a beautiful garden filled with music, color and perfume – a peculiar feeling akin to that caused by opium or morphine, as nearly as I could understand it. Once felt, it is always craved. But whereas drugs destroyed in reaction, this seemed to strengthen, giving greater endurance, greater power, greater precision and command…..


All religions embody good and have bettered the world. There are two factors, faith and science; two rules, and both are evidently right. Is it expecting too much that religion and science together create a third principle, resulting in the transformation of the world into one human family of many children, each to his own? With science to preserve order by eliminating fraud and trickery, there would be no fear of judging the innocent as guilty.

As man in inclined toward superstition, he naturally falls an easy prey to those clever enough to deceive his eye. In fact some of the brightest minds of the 19th and 20th centuries have been completely deceived in this way.

The possibility of our loved ones returning after having passed away, or at least of sending us some message, cannot be doubted. But it is the unreliability of the method used to receive these messages, as well as the unreliability of the person receiving them, which gives rise to a question. The truth is often exaggerated, and the open-minded victim easily duped…..


My faith in a supreme fountain-head of truth not only makes me more susceptible to its influence, and open to conviction of cause and effect, but cautions me to incorporate reason and logic with the possibility that my judgment may demand in the building of my mansions; it warns me to endow the framework with strength, as well as to adorn it with beauty; to preach and to practice; to love and help live; to acquire knowledge and shape it, the better to understand: as an inspiration toward that fountain-head of all wisdom whence we came, and toward which we travel.

With my understanding, and viewpoint, I could well afford to wait until my forty-seventh year before allowing my work to be revealed, with its results – without mercenary motive: simply regarding the milestones which have led me thus far on my journey through life. If I have found it worthwhile practically, the same principles may be applied to others traveling my way. With this point in view, have these facts been recorded.

And if you travel my way, finding my methods agreeable, you bathe in the same pool, and drink from the same brook. If not, then one of us is out of step, and cannot dine with the same appetite at the same table!….

“I realized when quite young that the ready response in my make-up was due to having crated a harp of experience, so I set myself about the perfecting of this. Each trade acquired, each tool or instrument mastered, added so many more strings to this harp, enabling me to give an opinion based upon absolute knowledge. And as I continued to add to this supply of “strings”, I found a quicker responses when seeking knowledge by intuition, and a correspondingly easier understanding of knowledge acquired only thru transference of thought.”……

“One cannot reach for an object to which he is not entitled. Our imagination governed by reason, is the forecast of future events, if we but understand, or make the effort…..”

“I have found that it is not always my predictions that really count, through they may convince one of the various methods by which nature unfolds her secrets……”

“I hope all my friends understand that it is impossible for me to have the radio-receiver of my brain always open to every calamity that may happen. I am human and I may be asleep and tired, just long enough to prevent warning my own son against being killed. What right have I to demand a protection exclusively for mine, when others have sacrificed in this world and have not received it?….”

I see a beautiful woman thoughtless of the morrow. That tomorrow tells me of her disfigurement, while she unconsciously smiles away her opportunities, and society bids me be silent.

“I see a sleek banker whose fate tells me that it is waiting only for ‘tomorrow’ to wrest from his hands his wealth, his wife, his friends.

“Today I see youth in full vigor and hope. At his side disease casting dice with death…..

“A friend reaches out his hand to me with a smile on his face. I long to love and to trust him. He does not know that I see a dagger in his hand, and that I already feel the spot that it will enter.

“This is the price of the human radio. But, it is a bargain, for when all pay the price, at last, brotherhood is thrown in as well as ‘Peace on Earth,’ – and paradise found again, for Thought, which is the root and seed of all growth, may not be hidden; and, thrown to the sun, night weeds will die…..”

“If I say to you, ‘You will be killed if you walk one block north,’ and you should fail to walk one block north, thus saving your life, has my prediction failed?”…….

“I know there are some things in the future that we should not know just yet. Our minds cannot comprehend them, so why use up mental vitality trying to analyze a problem too complex for our present implements.”……..

“I have often been asked about the market quotations. ‘What am I going to do tomorrow?’ etc, but these things do not interest me. They are momentary. There is not profit in that. It is the big thing. ‘What MUST I do to succeed,’ that counts. It is not the raw, uncooked food, but a table spread with which I am concerned: not the idle ‘What time is it?’ – but ‘Is this the hour of my death?’ This puts me ‘in bad’ with some of my business friends, until they know me and my subtle system of power, that he who wills, shall, or he would not be able to will. For we are lost by the words of fools, and find our way by the prattling of babes……”

The mental and emotional foundation of all humanity was shaken by the world war. And in regaining its equilibrium, it most naturally groped for spiritual truth. But in reaction it swung to the other extreme. In its blindness it was too ready to throw down the truth as exemplified by the past master-minds, rushing from place to place, seeking an easy religion governed by selfishness, hypocrisy and superstition – the curse of mankind. What the eye sees not, the ear must hear. Where outward senses fail to recognize, reason must find a solution. All faculties must work in unison, and science must corroborate the truth of religion, and vice versa, if the mystic triangle, our only rigid form, is to stand for truth.

I have found the power of prophesy by hard labor, and shall use it to help those in need.

  • Joseph A. Sadony

“…… If I give you to eat of any bread, which will sustain you, then shall my predictions come to pass in every detail. For it is expected that if I am your mental physician, and predict certain events, that you have followed my instructions. And if you do not, my clothes would not fit you.

“All the things that I have predicted to you are as certain and possible as the embryo of an egg if it is worth the while to keep it in warmth in order to give it birth.”



Mr. Sadony’s correspondence and experience afford absolute evidence, with hundreds of affidavits and witnesses of certain powers or possibilities of the human mind. An exhaustive study of this evidence, or anything like a systematic weaving of phenomena with theory, would fill several volumes. In a booklet we can hardly more than touch upon a few typical cases that show the nature of our omissions. These have been selected promiscuously, just as they have been found, and as they have come, to give a better understanding of “the timber to the building.” They are but a few out of thousands that have been verified. It will be understood that the confidence of personal friends removes their cases from consideration. Furthermore the identity has been concealed in the majority of cases from which it has been considered permissible to quote.

The material at hand arranges itself in several main divisions which prove, respectively, the possibility,
I: of correct character, delineation of those unseen and previously unknown, as well as acquaintances.
II: correct sensing of thoughts or conditions “between the lines”, (psychometrically, intuitively, or clairvoyantly).
III: Correct reading of past.
IV: Correct sensing of names, facts and intelligible messages from the deceased. “Air Messages”, as Mr. Sadony has called them.
V: Fulfillment of prophecies. a. intuitive, b. scientific, c. suggestive.
VI: Warnings (and results), both positive and negative, (with ample evidence of the result of failure to follow advice.)
VII: Mechanical intuition (sensing of conditions of inanimate objects such as machines, with diagnosis and repair of troubles.) In this section also has been classed a sensing of the whereabouts of inanimate objects. And
VIII:, clairvoyant or clairaudient knowledge of conditions and events transpiring at the moment, but at great distances. With a
IXth section to include the more subtle manifestations such as unconscious preparation with a purpose that revealed itself afterwards, perhaps months or years later. And a
Xth to include all those special and more remarkable cases not found in the preceding nine divisions.

No attempt has been made to adhere strictly to this classification in selecting the following examples. The average “case” in all its details contains evidence applying to as many as six of these categories. The bulk of all cases applies to section V, the “Fulfillment of Prophecies.”


As for section I, to quote from one or two letters is to echo hundreds of the same kind that have been received.

CASE 443 – Letter 7257 – “Your deductions regarding my character, disposition, and business activity are decidedly accurate, consequently your suggestions for future possibilities have set me thinking very seriously….. Your deductions from the handwriting I enclosed describe the character of each individual exactly – you could hardly have been more correct had you know each man personally….. You perhaps will remember having told my wife at that time (a year ago) that she would gain 16 pounds in weight in August. Well, you surely told her correctly, for she weights about 23 pounds more now. (September), she is expecting an ‘arrival’ about four weeks from now…. I am still with the same firm, with the exception that one of the partners left and went in business for himself, just as you predicted to me some time ago….”

CASE 192 – Letter 1624 – “After receiving your letters I took inventory of myself and found that your deductions concerning my affairs and myself were far more accurate than I could have given myself. This was somewhat astonishing to me, you being a perfect stranger….”


In section 3, likewise, the citing of one or two letters gives the substance of hundreds.

CASE 180 – Letter 1440 – “What you told us concerning the past is positively true. It is beyond our comprehension to understand how you could bring forth the statements made.” (A.J.D., Supt. E. Public School and M.R.)

CASE 170 – Letter 1267 – “You will remember that when I had the talk with you, you did not make any predictions in regard to the future, but you told me matters that had happened in the past.” (NOTE: This man’s life was due to end in eight or nine years. There was nothing to prophesy of note, except his death, of which Mr. S. did warn his daughter later. He did, however, predict a preliminary illness from which he would fully recover in spite of medical opinion. This came to pass. Then came his death as foreseen.)


In reference to section IV, it might be explained that while writing letters, Mr. Sadony often senses names in connection with thoughts that “come to him.” Our manner of accounting for this does not alter the fact. Nor is the fact of importance to Mr. Sadony except in identifying the thought with the correspondent, or as a “milestone” which assures him that he is on the right track.

CASE 127 – “Your letter of — was read with much interest, especially as I can verify the names you mention, my father’s name is Arthur, and I have a sister who is named Charlotte. The other Dorothy probably refers to a cousin of mine. We recall an incident of 18 or 20 years ago, to which I believe you refer….”

CASE 128 – Mr. Sadony wrote, “On picking up your letter I cannot help sensing or feeling that I am in a store of some kind, where there are cookies, perhaps some groceries, ham, or preserves, and that has all come through the hard efforts of Edward, Andrew, or Ed…..”

Reply: “…. In the first paragraph you sensed in some way that we had a store, and certainly nobody could ever be more surprised than I. Yes, we have had a store for many years…. My father’s name is Andrew….”

CASE 166 – Mr. S. wrote, “in reading between the lines there appears much of which I would not write at the present, because I wish to be certain that these thoughts come from you. For in their trend appears the name of ‘Roy’, and at the same time ‘Will’. What can they have to do from a mechanical point of view?”

Reply: Yes, my son-in-law is an inventor – has a grinder he is trying to put on the market…. My sons are all mechanical too, – work for the American Railway Express Co., and my husband works for the Cadillac Motor Co. Tell me what he is going to do… and tell me about Roy, is he well?….”

CASE 215 – The verdict you render on my question of the ‘aircraft’ patent was quite gratefully received. You ask, ‘By the way, what had John to do with this? Or Agnes with you?’ John is my father’s name, and my sister’s name is Agnes. Both are interested in this stock.”

CASE 248 – From Mr. Sadony’s letter, “…. But tell me, what is this light or flame he looks into? For he seems to be a hard worker, which has made him nervous and unstrung. It seems almost as if he walked a path similar to Oscar, or was it David?… etc. …. he seems to take after his mother as much as Ellen (I believe) when she was a little girl….”

Reply: “…. we are in doubt of the names Oscar or David, unless it might be relatives in Norway….. Ellen, as you mentioned is a sister to his mother. They resembled one another very much. You ask what light or flame my husband looks into. He is a watch-maker by trade…..”

CASE 307 may bring a smile. “Now as for Robert, I hardly know what to say as I have no relatives by that name. My father’s name was Robert when he was a little boy – but he changed it to B— later. Then, too, mother said she had an uncle whose name was Robert. These two are the only two Roberts whom I know of…..”

CASE 311 – (Extract from letter 5107) “… That afternoon that we had the talk together, you said that after I got home there would be letter for me from Chicago from a heavy thick man by the name of J. John, you thought, and that at first he wouldn’t have any use for me, but afterwards would get to like me, and through him I would get a good job in March. But before that you said I would have two other offers which I would take but wouldn’t keep. Well, it all came to pass within a day or so from the time you predicted, except that the man’s name is Jeremiah instead of John. You said I was to sail a big boat successfully, which I did; and that I was to have a little girl born to me. I’ve got that too….” (Capt. M.)

CASE 337 – “You have given a true description of my character…. You ask me if I know a Jennie. They used to call me Jennie until I reached the age of twelve….”

CASE 459 – (Typical of many.) “You asked if there were not four in my family. If I am counted in, yes.”

CASE 624 – A letter was received on plain paper from a stranger. “What is the peculiar lotion and perfumes that you so often handle, and peroxide of hydrogen and muriatic acid,” wrote Mr. Sadony. The reply was written on a letter-head of the “Hair shop” owned by the writer.

CASE 662 – Mr. S. wrote, “… Then comes the thought – (omitted) – and then your thought of an Arthur L. But, realizing as you do what might be said, I would rather be silent…. (Three paragraphs of details here omitted). And here again the name of Arthur appears, and shuts off the thoughts, as it were. Surely this party lives? If so what has he to do with you? And why the secrecy of thought? At any rate I cannot quite grasp the meaning of it….”

Reply: “… I found your letter thoroughly interesting and in many ways clear and easy to understand. The Arthur L. mentioned is my husband from whom I have been entirely separated for more than — years, and surely this explains clearly your inability to see the picture distinctly concerning him….”

CASE 752 – “…. By the way, have you ever done any work for a hardware house, or something of that sort? It appears rather vividly to me….”

“Yes, my work now is in the hardware line.”

CASE 275 – “…. I cannot help sensing an elderly gentlemen, who, while at work, used a peculiar hammer and chisel, whom you take after, as well as a younger man who is named after him. The name appears to be George…. Then go back twenty-seven years, and you can no doubt remember of the times that Henry Walter passed through. Had they known what was to be, there might be a different story to tell today because of property and relation…. While of the handwriting you sent, Otto and John, I have this much to say…. (omitted)… But again as with you, the name John rings to my mind an elderly man by the same name who, like George, has worked parallel. Then comes a little woman who must have passed away somewhere near thirty years ago, but whose love and blessing surely follows her children, for her burden was a very heavy one…. Her mother used to call her Gustel, I think. At any rate the vibration of her thoughts surely must be the influence of this letter, because the same thoughts seem to be entwined in Emil and William…. And by the way, there are certain problems that might have been solved in reference to Otto and Paul. Perhaps George can explain why the chime of bells, steam and rails….”

Reply: “In reference to Otto’s hand-writing, he wrote both names, Otto and John. John is his brother. Your letter was very true, especially as far as my past is concerned….”

Then later, “…. Regarding the names would inform you that George is the name of father’s oldest brother. Gustel (who is dead) is the grandmother of Emil, William and Paul. And Emil, William and Paul are the brothers of Otto and John.”

CASE 294 – Mr. Sadony wrote, “At the close of your letter I heard these words, ‘Tell Hage’ (or some peculiar name) to stick to it and not let go just at the most important time, as I did. I’ll strand by him.’ The name given was Howard. I could not get the first name because I was not on the alert. I simply express the thought as it came to me, but in fear it was a delusion I asked if your father’s name was Howard.” (Reference to previous letter in which he spoke of the name without giving reason.)

Reply: “Your letter of —- is a remarkably true statement of myself as I know myself honestly to be…. in regard to the message, I wonder if this is not my father speaking? For this name ‘Hage’ might be Hugh, my first name, and my father was known by the name of F. Howard for forty years of his life. And it is a fact that dad quite the show business at the height of his career when he should have stayed with the only business he knew. My brother and I have been thinking of getting out of the show business…. I wonder if he (father) meant us to stick to the show business by this message?”

CASE 412 – “While I was dictating the first part of your letter, this sort of mental message seemed to take effect in my mind, which is the case in four letters out of ten of all I write….” (Long message followed.)

Reply: “The message enclosed must belong to us by the names mentioned. My mother’s name is Bessie, to whom it was addressed, and my father’s name was G— (by whom it was signed,) and the names E— and G— belong to my sister and myself. It is all very strange.”

CASE 471 – “I cannot help receiving strange thoughts. Whether they come from your letter or from thoughts in the air. I shall state them as they are.” – Message followed with reference to “Chris”, “Emma”, and “Elizabeth or Lizzie, Lezzett, or Lisette – Stecha – hard to tell” as well as reference to certain matters of the past, with mention of twenty-five years before, and mention of “my good wife, —.” “I have simply written,” wrote Mr. Sadony, “what to me would sound foolish, without knowing just all that is meant by it.”

Reply: “The Herman you spoke of… was my father who passed out twenty-five years ago. — is my mother, Lisette is my sister and Chris is my brother….”

CASE 104 – “When the first impression came, I imagined I sensed your mother’s father – an old man – bent over, round-shouldered. He apparently assisted in giving me the impression which I enclose. Now you understand that I am not a spiritualist. Neither am I connected with any ‘ism’, I am alone in this study… for the purpose of research, consequently with no other motive than to know the truth….”

(The message made reference to four names, and personal matters. It was signed by the mother and addressed indirectly to the son.)

CASE 118 – “While speaking this into my Dictaphone, a strange sentence comes to me. I am taking chances that it belongs to some of you.” (Message followed addressed to “Dear Anna.” At the end of the two hundred words there was a break in the middle of a sentence. Mr. Sadony had been called to the phone. “I have tried to get more,” he wrote, “but could not. All I could receive was ‘Otto'”.

The reply read: “I thank you for the message for my Aunt Annie…. etc.”

CASE 580 – “This is my first letter to you. Miss — gave me your address and told me of your good work, and I gave your name and address to a Miss C., who is living with me at present. She wrote you last week, and in your letter to her you sent a message which I know was meant for me…. It was from an ex-husband, who seems to realize how he wronged me, and the mistakes he made. But I do not think of the tears he caused me. I only think of the nice things he did….”

CASE 652 – “Now you speak of getting a mental message concerning an elderly lady named Anna. My mother’s name is Anna…..”

“Enclosed you will find a copy of the thoughts that came to me while dictating your letter. You are a stranger to me, and I to you. In writing these letters I write just what comes to my mind at the time, but I seldom send all I receive, because I am but a student, who has found some strange life’s problems, and this is my mode of study…..”

(This message began “Dearest Anna or Nellie.” The latter was the name of the daughter, the correspondent in this case. There was reference to twenty-three and thirty-two years before, as well as the name of another. It was signed by name.)

CASE 390 – A letter was received from Chicago. Mr. Sadony wrote, “To me it appears as if you did not live in Chicago, as your surroundings do not indicate it…. Seems to me more like a village….”

“You speak of my being a lawyer or salesman, but what of the new project you speak of, what do you see?…. How did you get that I was not in service?…. My wife and I live in a small suburb of Chicago, a village of 5000 inhabitants. I am serving this village as a village trustee. My business is selling sugar on commission.”

CASE 419 – “By the way, does your tooth bother you? Left, lower second molar? If so, look after them soon.”

“My lower left molar bothered me a little but not much. Thanks!” (Letter 6671.)

From case 764 – “Tell me, has there been poison in his blood within the last seven years? Either his kidneys or his bladder seem to have been affected….”

Reply stated that he had been a printer all his life, and the poison in his body was printer’s lead.


The materials of prophecy are limited, as with numbers from the nine digits of which infinite combinations may be obtained. Hundreds of cases might contain similar predictions without two being alike, for the combination, circumstances and individuals differ. It is the spirit of prophecy which is unlimited. Details are but the letters of the alphabet that names the human family. The names are but words that group themselves into paragraphs portraying a symbol. Paragraphs form chapters of history. What matters is the book complete. Opposite to each page of closely packed fine print, there is a large picture that tells it all at a glance. Science, with bent head and strained eyes, reads and analyzes each world of the print. The spirit of prophecy turns the pages leisurely. It tells the story that is already written, by describing pictures which children understand.

The elements applying to any subject are few. Aside form special phases that we will not consider here, the interests of an average human being may be found, for instance, in Birth, Movement, Marriage, offspring, Condition, Relation and Death. Birth and offspring might be combined. Of birth might be told the time, sex and nature; of death, the nature and time. In movement is included change (of environments, states of being, thought, emotions, plans…..) Marriage includes divorce. Condition, finance, health, etc. Relation includes meetings, as well as implying proposals, offers, propositions, transactions. And through all runs the matter of “date”, which is the least certain of all, being a matter of estimate. We see a house. We judge it to be so far away. We may exaggerate according to our interest. But the house exists. If we will continue to walk we will reach it. If we run we find it the sooner. It has been said that there are some things the human mind can never know. But, there are no “letters” missing in the alphabet that Mr. Sadony has used to describe this picture.

We quote briefly from a few. The evidence is overwhelming that the human mind may determine these things without the uncertainty of “guess-work”, “coincidence”, “chance.”


CASE 465 – Letter 7841 – “I particularly wanted to tell you of the fulfillment of your prophecy that the next addition to the W. family would be a boy. You may or may not remember that you told me I need worry about this no further, but that the boy was regularly scheduled, and would arrive in due course….”

CASE 606 – “Will write and tell you we have that new girl you told me of at Lone Lodge. Came Saturday morning, weighs 7.5 lbs….” (J. H.)

CASE 231 – When quite young Mr. Sadony made a prediction to a Mr. W. H…, that in one year and two months he would be the father of a little boy. It came to pass on the exact date. He also predicted that Mr. H. would be divorced three years later, which came to pass. A letter from Mr. H. of years later, reads, “Maybe you will also remember what you told us about a commotion in our house between the tenth of January and the fourth of February. Well, we had it. My wife was very sick and wasn’t expected to live from the first to the fourth of Feb. Those three days she wasn’t expected to live at all, but she was very sick for over four weeks – part of the time unconscious. I myself was sick from the 18th to 28th of January and my little boy was also just as sick as his mother, they both having pneumonia….”


CASE 350 – “We did have sad news from home. My little brother’s death we did receive.” It had not been stated that the sad news would be a death. Mr. Sadony wrote, “I dread to tell things of unhappiness before they come, but always try to impress the time, to prove that I felt the truth….”

CASE 563 – (From an editorial of the Morning Sentinel.) “Sunday noon, August 16th, Mr. Sadony…. prophesied the death of Mr. D.M. Miller to W.A— of this city. This is only one of a great many prophecies which have come to pass since his coming to this city….”

CASE 565 – “Mr. Sadony predicted the death of Mr. C. Christians even to the detail of his dying with a rose in his hand. The last persons to see him remarked that he picked up a rose which he held as he passed away.”

CASE 582 – (With regard to the business affairs of a Mr. C., and a change and climax to come in 1921.) “…. You were very much correct, as a part of the firm did pass away the 16th of March.”

CASE 607 – “Yes, you were indeed right about the three men drowning in White Lake. And also when you said that Dr. H’s friend would be dead when he reached Chicago. At the time, we were staying at the Beach. Do you remember telling me that we would lose two more distant relatives before the year expired, which also came to pass…..” (Mrs. H.)

CASE 648 – “You also told me that someone was going to die, and I would hear about it. I did. That one was his father, and they sent me a wire….”

CASE 540 – A clipping was found which read: “Antiquarian dies reading an Ancient Tome.” It was remembered that Mr. Sadony had predicted the death of Julius Doerner, who, as explained in the item, was “conspicuous for years as a bibliophile and antiquarian.” Mr. K.J. of Chicago was written for details. He replied, “The prediction of Mr. Doerner’s death was about six weeks before his passing out. I visited the Valley and spoke to Mr. Sadony about two oil paintings I had consigned to Mr. Doerner to sell for me. In the course of the conversation about the paintings, he advised me to take them out of his place before his death, as he had only a short time to live.”

CASE 473 – Letter 7914 – “Your prediction concerning father’s death was quite correct. As you said, he had a cancer and would live about ten days longer. He died of cancer of the stomach eleven days later, December 22nd.” (C. Weissmann.)

CASE 178 – “While visiting E. Rogers at C., in the fall of 1913, Mr. Sadony met Dr. D. and told him that his brother who had just left, would die in three weeks, and that Dr. D., himself, would take charge of his brother’s sanitarium at Rochester. Three weeks later the brother died. Dr. D. went there, and is now in charge of the sanitarium.”

CASE 638 – (From a diary of a friend.) Name: C.P. 1-10-18, Prediction: Daughter will be ill twice, and die with her third sickness. Her baby will not live.

1-24-18, Baby is in Hospital.

1-27-18, Baby died.

“There are several ways of discerning the approach of death,” Mr. Sadony once explained, “sometimes when death is to take place within a few months, I unconsciously become passive for a second, then there appears to me a mental vision. It is as if I saw an angel in black at the bedside, and in my imagination all seems to be transparent. When I see this, death is sure to come. I would forfeit my life if it failed when the hand and wrist of this figure appears opaque as if ready to be led out. Another sign of death comes to me when shaking hands with a stranger. I sometimes feel a cold feeling, as if a cold draught were passing through my hands and veins. By this I know that death is near, but must use other methods to ascertain the time.”

Mr. Sadony tells of an instance: (Case 1064), “In 1914 Mrs. Daily of Montague, eighty years old, came to visit me with her daughter, Mrs. J.A. I took her to my Study. She did not wish to leave. She cried bitterly and said, “May I come here when I am dead?” I comforted her and told her that she would be welcome. Later on, one evening in September, I remained in my office until late. At three-thirty. A.M., I went down for lunch, and then returned. When about to enter, I felt a sort of fear or dread, and waited at the door about five minutes. When I entered my thoughts turned to Mrs. Daily, and immediately I felt that cold draught of air through my body. This was about four o’clock. At nine Mrs. J.A. telephoned to say that Mrs. Daily had died at four that morning. Was this the influence of a disembodied mind, – or auto-suggestion?”

Of Troubles as well, are there many instances, as In Case 162 – “The troubles you told me would come are coming thick and fast…. The battle will be a hard one for awhile, and only today a woman who you told me would come in to act as a friend, called me and told me of —. You seem to have the situation so fully in mind….”

Of offers, case 285 is typical, and it would be useless to quote from the hundreds of others. Letter 3290 – “You stated that some offers would be made by my firm. As yet I’ve not heard from them with reference to it, though I did receive one very soon, a few days afterward, from a firm that had made one several times before, and which I threw into the wastebasket as you said I would do….” Letter 3294 – “…. But let me tell you that the two offers you spoke of came in a most pronounced and distinct manner. It was a matter of choosing either, or, and set me to do some serious thinking.”

Of Change, Case 621, for example. “….. You said that I would make a change. This change seems to have taken place inasmuch as I am writing you from th. city of D. instead of M…..”

CASE 626 – “You told me that a condition which existed at that time, and to which I very much objected, would be changed for me, and I am happy to report that the change came just as you said it would….”

CASE 627 – “In reference to Columbia University, I fear you will change your mind before June, even were I to tell you to take a course. You will take several trips of interest that will change all your plans.”

Reply: (Months later.) “The suggestion you offered about Columbia University came out as you foretold.”

CASE 293 – Letter 3422 – “Sometime ago I wrote you for information, and you told the conditions would change for me before Oct. 12th…. This change occurred to me about the 16th of October.”

Of Dates to note, Mr. Sadony was as a rule very accurate in his estimation. Case 203 is typical of many. Letter 1751 – “Mr. X. is a very sick man…. He has been near death’s door three times, and this is one of them. Complications have set in. His stomach and worry have caused much of the trouble. You have not understood each other, consequently the circumstances which have often caused you to build aircastles (which may all come true within three years). Make a note of June 11th and the 23rd, then later July 4th, 10th and 27th and note how strangely and suddenly Fate seems to play with your destiny. You must take good care of your health now, above all….. Next week you will have company which you little expect, and later a trip alone, and you will enter new fields….”

Letter 1752 – You may be aware by this time that Mr. X. passed away on June 11th, the first date of which you advised me to make a note and I am too stunned to know what to do.”

Letter 1753 – (Two months later.) “I wonder if you have anything to tell me at this time. Your first letter to me was prophetic. On the first date you mentioned, I lost my husband, then on each succeeding date there was something to remember…. I am going on the trip alone of which you wrote me, and I hope it is in the right direction.

CASE 261 – Letter 2752 – “…. You predicted that I would be working at a better position by January 15th of the next year, which would eventually lead to something better still. I began work here on the 13th of January…. You told me of a few things which would happen, and a few suggestions, which have come to pass…. I know you told me accurately of many of my characteristics, and showed me that mind-reading was a possibility….”

From Case 311 – Letter 5106 – “…. If you remember you said that I was going to have three offers, the first to come on the 28th of January. Well, it didn’t come the 28th, but it came during the week of the 28th, which I think is near enough. It certainly is remarkable how you got that…. etc.”

Of Presidential or political prophecies there have been few, except among Mr. Sadony’s most intimate friends, as he has consistently avoided prophecy of a public nature. However, we quote the following!

CASE 234 – Letter 2241 – “If I remember correctly the last time I called on you was in the Spring of 1901. Many things have happened since then. One of your prophecies was made when I was operating in stocks and bonds in the year 1901, when the market depended largely on the presidential election, at which time you predicted that McKinley would be elected President of the United States. There are other things that have come to pass, the dates of which I do not remember at present…..” (R.A.H., Vice Pres. & Mgr. of the Garment Co., Chicago, Ill.)

CASE 381 – Letter 6038 – “When your letter came saying that the world of commerce would be satisfied with the next administration, and that it would be Republican, it looked like something in the dim distance, but suddenly it is the ‘next administration!’ Did you sense something of Harding’s death?….”

Later, while talking with a group of friends upon the subject of “Gaudiness” and its “hollowness,” Mr. Sadony used as one of his examples the Democratic party, which he said was “gaudy” in its intentions, and would therefore lose in the next election.



We give only a few of the many cases of this nature on record. (Aside from the following, typical instances may be found in Cases 158 and 371 on page 75 as well as in the records beginning at the bottom of page 76, and Case 1057 on page 80.)

From Notebook number 33 of —–: Mr. Sadony foresaw many accidents and did, in many instances, give warning. Where the warning was heeded there was no accident, and where it was not heeded his prophecy was fulfilled. There were also many cases where the accident could not be avoided, so he gave no warning, but told his friends and in every case they observed that it came to pass.

CASE 1009 – Letter 2827a – “Do you remember the day of my visit when you were all working on the Log Cabin? You warned us all to be careful as you were afraid that someone would be cut in the ankle. Some hours later I saw one of the men’s axe raised for a blow, and remembered your warning. I stepped to one side as the blade descended. The head flew off and sank three inches in the ground where my heel had been, passing directly over my footprint, through the space in the air that had been occupied by my ankle. I did not ‘ask for a sign,’ but it seems that this was not sufficient. Twice since coming to C., have I so nearly failed to heed your last words of warning that l have tasted of what you feared, and it was bitter. Death is kinder by far than these conditions to which you have opened my eyes. I walked among living dead men and never knew, until a heartless smile on my own face hid the hell that was their daily bread. From this you have saved me.”

CASE 110 – “Mr. Sadony made a special call at our house to warn Mr. A. to be very careful, for in a short time he would be badly hurt. Three weeks later his hand was crushed at the foundry…..”

CASE 115 – In the year 1901, Mr. Sadony warned Mr. John Ahlmendinger of Chicago, not to allow his young son to go swimming at the time of the next thunderstorm. A few days later It began to rain, and the son wanted to go with thirteen other boys to swim at the pier of the water works, North Halsted and Lake Michigan. The boy started and was called back. In the meantime the other boys were getting drenched, so they went under the tin-lined pier. There was a crash of lightning and all were killed.

Sometime later Mrs. A. called and Mr. Sadony told her to tell her husband not to dance at the next dance which was given in honor of Mr. C. Harrison, then Mayor of the City. He danced one dance and dropped dead.

CASE 256 – Mr. Sadony told the Mayor of K. to warn his daughter not to ride on a bicycle on a certain date, so as to avoid a serious accident by the cars. The warning was forgotten, and she was killed by the electric street car at Racine.

Mr. S. had told Mr. I. that he was to have the greatest surprise of his life – which came to pass when he picked up his own daughter, right after she had been killed. He did not know who it was until he saw her face.

CASE 289 – A certain leader of ballet dances in a well known theatrical company came to Mr. Sadony in Chicago. He warned her not to dance more than a year longer, and to report to him once a month, which she did for ten months. Then three months after that she wrote, saying that she could not keep her promise to give up dancing. One month later she was dead from an Injury to her spine.

Mr. C. A. tells the following:

In the summer of 1913 K.J., C.A., U.S., P.S., Mr. Sadony and myself went up the river on a fishing trip. Mr. Sadony appeared to dread to go. He turned back three times, and even went so far as to dispatch a carrier pigeon (one of two which we carried), saying that we would leave for home in fifteen minutes. This was before we had reached the camping place. The boys all begged him to go on, so we finally reached camp. When we arrived, Mr. Sadony told us all to be careful, as he was still nervous. One of the boys had a bottle of whiskey which he asked him to give him in case of accident. In landing I had dropped my gun in the water. As I remember it, two of the other boys had dropped their guns in the mud or on land. However Mr. Sadony told each of us to look into the barrel of his gun. Fifteen minutes later I held my gun at arms length in one hand and did not grasp the barrel with the other, remembering the warning. But I did neglect to look into the barrel, although I had drained it. I pulled the trigger. The barrel burst, tearing off the thumb of my other hand which I held as far as possible from the gun. A piece of steel, nearly a foot long, knocked off the hat of Mr. U.S. Mr. Sadony immediately poured whiskey over the wound, and sent the other carrier pigeon with a note to have a doctor ready for an operation. The doctor was waiting, but I lost my thumb above the first knuckle. I no longer doubted the advisability of taking seriously any nervousness on the part of Mr. Sadony.”

From Notebook number 33 of —–:

Mr. Sadony with his family and a few friends drove around the lake past a point where he imagined seeing the fence all turn down, and a car go down the steep embankment. He spoke of this to his family and his friends. This was Monday evening. Tuesday evening, they drove by the same point. The fence was broken through. A Ford had gone down the embankment. From among the pieces at the bottom, his son brought home the rim of one of the lights, as a silent witness.

It happened many times, that Joseph avoided accidents himself. He would refuse to travel on a certain road on a certain day, saying that there was to be an accident, and he did not wish it to be a car full of his loved ones, and himself responsible at the wheel.

He would say, “We will watch now as we pass tomorrow, and see evidence of the poor blind careless mortal that does not use the power God has given us all. We may pity him, but he is reaping as he sowed. God is wise and good and just. The law of compensation does not err. We may say, ‘It might have been us.’ It might have been anyone. But was it? Were we not protected? All the world save that one could say, ‘It might have been us.’ And if so, would God then have been wise and good and just?”

“Masters rule their own destiny by thought or understanding, while the masses are ruled by environments or heredity,” Mr. Sadony would explain.

If we wish to be masters we must create a law unto ourselves, hew out a path of undeviating purpose. At the first unconscious step from this path, there tolls the death-knell of a lost soul. To waver at the influence of another, of circumstances, of environments, is to step into the path of this other, and be subject to its self-created laws for better or for worse.

These things are so subtle and so many sided that it is not only foolish and useless, but impossible to analyze them with the human mind.

Enough that we did not go. Vastly more than enough that we saw next day the wreckage of a horrible triple accident on the road in question. We did not ask or need such proof. And this happened not once, but countless times. Often Mr. Sadony would ask friends to tell him what had occurred at certain points, then pre-sensing of which made him apprehensive not for himself, but for his loved ones and his friends, whom he endeavored always to protect from taking that first unconscious step from their own path into that of another, and thereby into danger not their own….

And always they would find it as he had said, and would tell of this accident or that narrow escape which they themselves had experienced.

CASE 1056 – Mr. Sadony foresaw an accident to himself on a winter day when the ruts of ice were deep and it was necessary to drive to another town in his car. He spoke of seeing himself in a ditch by the side of the road, with a heavy-laden truck thundering by, two wheels of which had been in the same rut as the left two wheels of his own car, neither of them able to climb out of the icy rut.

It happened quickly and surprisingly in this wise. A large many-seated bus filled with people swerved around a bend, and toward us in one of the same ruts. Mr. Sadony tried to turn out, but failed. Then he put on the brakes, and swung the wheels violently so that he threw his car out of the track and we slid easily, safely down an icy incline into the ditch without tipping over, and the heavy bus, which had indeed been built out of a “truck”, and was “heavily laden”, tore by above. The prophecy was fulfilled. We were in the ditch. But an accident was avoided by Mr. Sadony’s quickness to fulfill his part of the prophecy just enough in advance to avoid the “simultaneous” fulfillment that would have been a “collision.”

There are many cases that indicate Man to be a “barometer”, recording exterior conditions; even though not aware of the fact. The following are three of the many instances that Mr. Sadony, himself, has told.

CASE 554 – I received a letter with request for advice. As I started to answer it I felt sort of dizzy, so I laid it aside. Next day I tried again, with the same result. A few days later I determined to finish, and did so, but it seemed with a queer dread. Afterward I learned that it was written by an insane woman. It seemed rather strange. Was I mentally in her environments? Did my subconscious mind sense her condition, interpreting it to my objective mind? Or was it a ‘sixth sense’ interpreting by ‘psychometry’ the magnetism of the letter.”

CASE 556 – “One summer, while writing letters, I began to muse, ‘Suppose my best horse should break his leg. Would I have to shoot him? – or could I put him in splints.’ I became nervous and sent Miss S. and Mr. A. out to see if everything was all right. They did not return, so in half an hour I went after them, finding that Andy, my best horse, had his right front leg over the manger with the tie-chain around it so that Mr. A. could not get it loose without cutting the halter. The scars of the links could be seen for a long while.

“Was this the vibration of the horse’s mind?”

CASE 1063 – Clippings were found of twenty-two years ago, telling of how Mr. Sadony had been impelled to a certain spot just in time to save a man from drowning. Upon being asked about the occasion, Mr. S. replied, “I felt a strong desire to go up the river three miles, with no other reason, apparently, than to see how a certain bank looked and how much the current had washed it away since the time when I used to swim there. I was so anxious that I could hardly wait to get started. As I approached I saw a man running along the bank. When I arrived and looked over the water, I saw an arm disappearing. I threw off my coat, took a dive, and reached him in time. When I had brought him to shore I felt satisfied that this was the mission that had forced me to go up the river at just that time.” Can this be explained? (The rescued man proved to be one of the staff of a local paper, a Mr. Hall.)

Mr. Sadony permits truth to come to him, crystalizing in its own shape. He then tries to figure out what the shape is. Whereas most of us shape things to suit ourselves, according to past acquirement.

Often he would advise a man in terms of symbols which he, himself, did not understand, while the man to whom he talked, recognized the meaning instantly.

On one occasion, while talking with a certain man, he seemed to see the symbol of a silver frog in connection with his name. It was indistinct and fragmentary. He could not himself interpret or apply this. However, it was later discovered that the middle two of his four names meant originally a silver-smith and a tadpole.

Case 612, (page 76) is an example of the application of this principle. Mr. Sadony has often explained:

“I use symbols in prevision because those things have not yet occurred, and are consequently not in my memory for comparison. Symbols therefore, in such a case, may be interpreted as ‘Causes’ rather than ‘Effects’ (or records).”

Of section VII, a study of “Mechanical Intuition”, with an account of experiences, would fill a good sized volume, and will not be considered in this booklet. Of “sensing the whereabouts of inanimate objects”, Mr. Sadony has often said:

“In reference to finding lost articles, I am never interested in the subject. Enough that we find and take care of what we possess. If harmony is lost, I am on the job.”

The subject of “Clairvoyance”, and “Unconscious Preparation”, will also be dealt with in another booklet, as they involve an account of cases that are too numerous to mention here.

The following are quoted from a selection of typical cases illustrating the general subject of Prophecy:

CASE 317-19 – A friend writes, “For three years Mr. Sadony predicted every working order that came to the Iron works. He told the foreman of the company of these two months in advance…. “He predicted Mrs. B’s death, and the divorce of V., as well as his remarriage.

“He warned Mr. C.S’s father that he had better examine the straps to his wooden leg. Mr. S. replied, ‘Oh, that’s all right. No danger.’ But he went fishing. The strap broke, and he used all his fish lines to fasten on his leg so that he could walk home.

“And I remember of another case, of some time ago. Perhaps you have forgotten. There was a man and his wife and daughter, whom Mr. Sadony warned to exchange their theater tickets. The father could not go to the performance the next day, but the mother and daughter went, and were burned to death in the Iroquois Fire….”

CASE 172 – “Last summer you predicted my mother’s illness, (she was operated on Oct. 26); my present position, (I came on to N.Y., about Sept. 1st, and opened the same day); someone making a proposition for extra work, (a couple of weeks ago); and many minor details which I just can’t recall at the moment…..”

CASE 325 – “Mr M., proprietor of the K. House, and four friends were with Mr. Sadony when he heard a step in the hall. Mr. Sadony stated that he suddenly felt a pain in his right knee. He asked Mr. C. to see who had passed. It proved to be Mrs. P., the proprietor’s sister, (fifty years of age). While Mr. C. was speaking to her, Mr. Sadony told the rest that the lady who had passed, suffered with pain in her knee, but that it would not bother her any more. Mrs. P. told Mr. C. that as she passed the door she thought, ‘I believe Mr. Sadony could cure me.’ She had planned a trip to Mount Clemens for treatment. From that moment, however, she ceased feeling the pain. Mr. Sadony felt the pain for three days.”

CASE 270 – And Mr. S. told a certain young man and young woman that they would be married in one year, but that they had better make sure that they were congenially mated or they would disagree in three years. In two, they would have a little boy. They married as prophesied.

The little boy came. At the end of three years they were divorced.

CASE 146 – “Last Spring I received a letter from you, which at the time seemed very confusing. Since then it has all become quite clear…. Perhaps you don’t remember. It would be quite impossible, with all your correspondence. It was just advice in reference to some people….”

Another letter: “Five years ago, on my first visit to you, you spoke of a man who was going to be a great help to me. You foretold my travels abroad. It was all very true.” (V.B.)

CASE 254 – “On the first of February, 1906, Prof. Sadony told me that in a year and eleven months I would have a baby girl with blue eyes and black hair. Really, the baby was born exactly in a year and eleven months, on January first, 1908.

“Then he told me that around June 20th, while going on a trip to Europe, my little girl would be sick, but that I should not worry over it because she would be all right again in a few days. I had forgotten this while away, until she was taken suddenly ill one night, and then it all came back to me. The date was June 21st.” (Mrs. M.J.)

CASE 258 – Letter 2714 – “I have been simply amazed at times when I found that events which you prophesied concerning me came to pass, although I assure you I did nothing purposely to help bring the fulfillment about.”

CASE 152 – Letter 1089 – “Your predictions to myself and family have come to pass. First for my dear mother, you predicted that in the year 1914 she would suffer the loss of three loved ones. Correct.” (Remainder omitted.)

CASE 305 – Letter 4071 – To Miss M. speaking of her mother not being well: “To me it appears as if there were something in the way of the blood or nerve impulse either at the base of the brain, the cerebellum, or in the convolutions back of the ear…” A letter came later telling of an operation which had proved necessary to relieve congestion in one of the sinuses.

CASE 587 – “For some time previous to the death of George M. Sr., the large iron safe in this office had not been locked (that is, not thoroughly locked, with the tumblers being thrown over.) It was customary just to close the safe and give the combination a slight turn on the dial.

“One night, G.M. Jr. accidentally closed and locked the safe. Mr. M. Sr. was the only one who knew the combination and as his personal papers pertaining to the estate were in the safe (He being dead), it was necessary that it be opened.

“Being office manager and acting secretary, I made every effort to open the safe, but without results. As a last resort before breaking the lock, I requested you to try to open it. You agreed, and knowing that Mr. M. was the only one who knew the combination, you took off your hat and coat, and requested that you be blindfolded. You took your place at the desk over the open ledger (as if you were Mr. M.) You previously had requested me to ask you suddenly, at a certain time, to open the safe. This I did. Whereupon you turned to the safe, and to my astonishment opened it in about ten seconds.”

CASE 109 – A Dr. A. came to Mr. Sadony with a Mrs. R. (of Evanston). He advised Mrs. R. (who asked about her husband), to take him out in the country for a rest, saying that if she did not, he would become insane. A year afterwards he became insane. She came again, and Mr. S. told her that he could be cured in seven months, but to take him out at once, or it would be too late. This was disregarded, and he became a raving maniac.

CASE 204 – Letter 1764 – “My boy is in F. He was married the 11th of Sept. in Canada. He is coming home Sunday. I am getting my divorce the 16th of January…. Everything so far you have told me has come just as you said…. ”

CASE 664 – One dark night, I drove to town with Mr. Sadony, behind a very nervous horse. As we reached the township line, Mr. S. became very nervous and asked me to get out and examine all the wheels. I said that I had done so before leaving, so we rode on for perhaps half a mile. At this point, Mr. Sadony repeated the expression of his nervousness, made the remark that he did not like to risk it any longer, and ended by making the assertion that as soon as we reached Dowie’s gate, he would get out and see what could be the matter. At Dowie’s gate he jumped out of the buggy. As soon as he took hold of the thill, it fell out of his hand. The bolt was on the ground a few feet away, in the rear.

CASE 686 – Mr. Ch— of Shelby, telephoned long distance, to ask if Mr. Sadony could give any information as to the location of the drowned bodies of his son and a companion. Mr. S. replied that it appeared to him as if only one boy had drowned, and requested that Mr. C— come to see him personally, which he did. In the course of the interview, Mr. Sadony drew a diagram of the point where the body would be cast up by the first west winds. As he described his method of doing this, he imagined himself a bird flying by, looking down from way up, at what he imagined to be a body that he could discern at a certain point. The place marked on the diagram was to be six miles north of the place where the boy was drowned.

The body of the Ch— boy’s companion was found, and examination proved that he had died of heart disease, verifying Mr. Sadony’s belief that only one boy had drowned. The Ch— boy was found about a week later a few hundred feet from the spot that had been designated.

A letter dated June 23, 1916, reads in part, “am surprised that the Boys had not called you on the phone at the time of the finding. Yes the first west wind that came did the work. Again yes, your diagram was a little further North than the body was found, but such that the current could have moved the body….”

CASE 687 – “Five or six years ago,” said one witness, “Geo. — Sr. asked Mr. Sadony for advice. He told him that if he did not take a rest within three weeks, he would never get out of bed after that. Mr. — remained at work, was taken sick, and was then taken to the Muskegon Hospital. Mr. Sadony was notified one morning that if he didn’t come to see him before noon, he would not be able to see him alive. It was impossible for him to get there in the morning as it was past train time. He said, ‘G. — shall live till I see him. He can not die. He shall not die.’ There was great emphasis and determination in his words. In the afternoon, Mr. C. and I accompanied Mr. Sadony to Muskegon, arriving there about 3:45. He took Mr. Sadony’s hand, who seemed to look past us, and said, ‘I can go now that you have come.'”

Previous to this, while Mr. — was still ill at the hospital, Mr. Christian was staying at his home. Mr. C. became nervous one day and asked Mr. Sadony to stay with him. Mr. Sadony accompanied him, and as they passed into the parlor said, “Clarence, listen to this peculiar music that comes to my mind”, whereupon he sat at the piano and improvised what he seemed to hear mentally. The music was very sad and affecting. So much so, Mr. C. tells, that Mr. Sadony’s eyes were filled with tears. “So help me God, Clarence,” he said, upon finishing. “I see a coffin and the remains of G—, and the piece that I played was a funeral march.”

“A few days later,” said Mr. Sadony, upon being questioned with regard to the occasion, “I attended the funeral and saw the coffin just as it had appeared to me.”

CASE 688 – One Spring Mr. Sadony predicted to a party of fifteen or more, that there would be five deaths from drowning in White Lake; first two and then three. Dr. Montgomery and a lady were drowned as the summer was drawing to a close. The Captain of the Life Saving Station, having faith in the prediction, put on a double guard. Later Mr. Sadony attended a birthday party at the home of A. Mr. H. had promised to cone there to meet him for the first time, but that night he was called out on duty as Deputy Sheriff. He had been nervous, however, and made the statement that he would much rather have met Mr. Sadony. He was accompanied upon his duties by two other men. About twelve-thirty Mr. Sadony went to the graphaphone and played “Nearer My God to Thee.” For some unaccountable reason he appeared to feel very sad. It was seldom that he revealed this. It was nearing two A.M., when they left for home. As he passed along the shore of White Lake, he noticed that the water was rough, and said to Mrs. Sadony, “Suppose two or even three men should hang on a boat out there: God help them.”

The incident was forgotten, but next morning the bodies of the three men were found, Mr. J.H. and the two who had accompanied him on his duties.

A week later, while putting up a stove pipe, a strong thought came to Mr. Sadony, so he wrote it down on a slip of paper to study it afterward. The words that came to him were, “Fanny, I was not murdered. It was an accident. Be happy. Someone will take my place in four years” It was signed “Joe.” At the time Mr. Sadony did not recognize the meaning, so he placed it on file. Two months later, Mrs. A. brought a visitor to his home, and introduced her as Mrs. Nanny H. Instantly Mr. Sadony went to his file, brought the slip of paper, and told her of the strange thought that he had received. Mrs. H. cried, and swore that she would never marry. However, Mr. Sadony repeated that she would, and that the man would have the same name, “Joe.” Four years later she met him on the street in another city and told him that she had married a man named “Joe”, and was very happy.

Later still, (March 2, 1915) she wrote, “in thinking over what you told me, I particularly remember one statement. That was, that in about five years I would be happier than I could think I would ever be again. And that I would be comfortably situated and well taken care of. You described my disposition very accurately and told me many instances relative to my past life very correctly….”

CASE 351 – Letter 5450 – “Contrary to your dope, I expect to move my offices tomorrow to 91 G. street….” Later, Letter 5451 – “You were right. I did not move my office junk on Monday…”

CASE 650 – “… It’s just as L. says, she is usually just on the point of writing you when she hears before the letter is even posted…. By the way, I made a mistake, in sending you the wrong handwriting to read last time, (saying it was Mr. B’s) but I thought it so wonderful because you described Mr. O., the other man in our section, to a nicety, and hit upon facts which I appreciate very much.”

CASE 363 – Letter 5709 – “Prior to about October, 1910, I had no acquaintance with you. In that month I was at your place. At that time you assumed to see my past and future. At that time you informed me that Mrs. R., my first wife, had departed this life about Feb. 3rd of that year, which was true. You also informed me that I would marry a young wife from California; which I later did. You also informed me that you would first meet Mrs. R. on a train, which was true….” – Judge R.

(NOTE: Mr. Sadony predicted Judge R’s death, which occurred in 1924.)

CASE 364 – Letter 5710 – “… You told S. of his misfortune in the lumber business, that he would realize his life’s ambition, to receive the appointment of an U.S. Judgeship – an office he had sought, and for which I had strained every energy to bring him. He abandoned hope. Time revealed the fact that the judgeship did come to him, and in the year you said it would…. You told Mrs. S. that she had left her jewelry at home and placed some in a certain drawer before her departure. You spoke of five rings. She insisted that there were only four. On her return she wrote to my wife, admitting her error, saying she had placed an old ring in the box given her by her mother. She did not wear it, but it made the five…”

CASE 145 – Letter 1003 – “…. As far as I the long Journey, two large deals being offered me, and my turning down one of them is concerned, that has all come true. The accepting or turning down of the second one is undecided yet, but will be decided very soon… I have thought of writing you a good many times on the subject, but as you declined to accept remuneration for your services, I have hesitated in doing so….”

Letter 1004 – (five years later) – “About five years ago last summer you, in conversation with my daughter, told her that within six weeks, a near relative on her Mother’s side would pass away, and described the condition of her grandmother on her mother’s side, giving exact description of her sufferings, but at the time you made these statements, none of the family had any idea that she would pass away for many months. Yet just four weeks from the time you made the prediction, Mrs. W. passed away. I am sure you had no knowledge that such a person lived, at the time you foretold her death….” (James Bayne, Pres. & Gen. Mgr., The James Bayne Company, Grand Rapids, Mich.)

(NOTE: Nine years later, in the fall of 1924, Mr. Sadony wrote to Mr. B., stating to a friend, “It is the last time I shall write him. It is his ‘Death Letter’ from me.” A few weeks later, in November, and upon the day that the above portion of this manuscript was being prepared, Mr. Bayne passed away.)

CASE 165 – Letter 1198 – “You asked about my finger and stated that on July 3rd, 4th and 9th it worried you, as if you had a pain of your own. You say it was funny but simply could not account for it. Well, when I tell you that I was stretched out on an operating table about four-thirty Saturday afternoon, July 3rd, and my finger was laid wide open, you sure will smile….” (Mr. L.R.C.)

CASE 176 – Letter 1416 – “You told me about myself that it seemed to you that some time in the past there had been a division of property in our family of which I had not received all I was entitled to. That is right. The division took place in Denmark, and I had never mentioned it to anybody where you could have obtained any information about it.

“You told Mrs. B. at our house, when she was worrying about her boy who had gone to parts unknown, that she would get a letter from him a few days before Christmas, as she did….”

Mr. Sadony explained about this matter, “I imagined I was her son, and then told her that I saw my sister in Chicago, and then left for the north. I then told her that I would try an experiment to make him write her a letter for Christmas. Before Christmas the letter arrived from Wisconsin. He was compelled to write. Why? Those are things that axe hard to explain….”

CASE 214 – Letter 1954 – “August 7 you predicted my husband would change his will before the end of that year, and to my advantage. It came true on Dec. 19th. You also said that he would meet with an accident about the same time, which came true too. He almost lost his right foot. You advised me to drop a certain friend, as she was a foe. It certainly was true. The death of my husband’s mother came true the very month that you said, and sickness and disturbance at my home in Switzerland. Some of my friends lost a dear one through death and circumstances changed entirely….”

CASE 232 – Letter 2206 – “Sixteen years ago you predicted three things to me that came true. One was that I would meet a man and go to Kansas City with him. Second that I was to go to Denver, Colorado. Third, you warned me that X was no friend of mine. Right you were….” (H.W.K.)

CASE 264 – Letter 2810 – “A phone call this morning gave me the news that the ‘blow had fallen’. They are going to break him if possible…. Prior to this it has been very quiet, and he felt it might blow over. But …. yesterday …. came in and served papers on him. They tied up his bank accounts, put a lease on his home and automobiles…. Now it gees to court…. I wanted you to know, for I remember you predicted this.”

CASE 320 – Latter 5137 – “About four years ago, before I was married, you told me that I would be married inside of two years. This was true. You also said I would not marry the girl with whom I was keeping company. This was also true. You said that I had met my future wife. This I did not know at the time, but I had met her as you said. You also said that in the near future I would be employed by a firm that had already worked for. This was true. Also that I would buy some property, which I did. Then you told my wife that upon a certain date, there would be a business transaction that would bring money. This was true, to the exact date given her about six months before this transaction…. etc.”

CASE 327 – Letter 5171 – “You told me if I didn’t see my uncle I wouldn’t get to see him. He died within a month from that time….” Another letter. “He was sick only five days. I am so glad I took your advice and came here, or I would never have seen him.”

CASE 335 – Letter 5260 – “I met the little gray-haired man you told me I would come in contact with unexpectedly. I met him on the boat coming home.”

CASE 406 – One afternoon Mr. Sadony was impressed to wire Mr. U.S. of the K. Hotel, to telephone his wife not to take the medicine she was about to take. He did so, and found that she had the bottle in her hand to take the medicine, set it down to answer the phone, and upon examining it, found that the bottle contained poison.

Upon another occasion Mr. Sadony wrote, “Now tell me what is the matter at your home. Is your wife or wife’s niece sick?… It worries me, and I would advise you to be careful.” The reply stated, “My wife is sick and we are going to have the doctor in a few days so they can operate on her.” (Letter 6533)

CASE 420 – Letter 6704 – “…. One thing which most emphatically came out as you said, was that I would be backed in my new venture by two people, one who could talk, and one with money. Sure enough, the one who could talk, after a conversation with me, went to the one with the money, and I received a certain amount of backing…. If your predictions did nothing else, they put the right kind of punch in a pretty groggy individual, and helped a whole lot….” (W.S.)

CASE 421 – Letter 6729 – “You foretold the marriage of our daughter to B.A.D., who was at that time calling upon her, but we had never thought she cared especially for him, nor he for her. Both were so young. To our surprise they skipped to the Church, only a stone’s throw from our house, and were married April 6th, 1913. This, I consider a most remarkable prophecy, …. You told my wife that her father, (then in frail health) would live longer than her mother. Her mother was buried Christmas Eve of the following year, and her father will come to visit us next week.

“You will remember a robust, red-faced, philosophical sceptic, named —. Well, he may be sceptical yet, but within a month after you left, what you saw for him materialized. You told him he had a man associated with him that would stand watching, and that he stood a good chance of having trouble and might lose something if not careful…. Now this Mr. — was a traveling salesman, and he had a sub-agent, but he thought him straight. He was soon failing to get satisfactory reports, however, and found that the fellow had pawned a valuable diamond ring, using about $300.00 of the Company’s money to redeem it….”

CASE 436 – Letter 7190 – “You will remember telling me at H. that I would hear from my son in Feb. (that he was still alive.) Well, I did….”

CASE 474 – Letter 7928 – “The most important predictions in my case are two. In March, I traded my farm for a house and lot. After signing the contract I found I was getting the worst of the deal. In speaking of the matter to you, you said there was a third party in the case who did not care to trade, and advised me to see this party, and between us we could agree to call the deal off. This matter turned out as you predicted. I desired a political position in this town. I wrote you about it, and you advised me not to run as my health would not permit it. A little later I was taken down with congested lungs, and was sick at the time of election….” (W.J.W.)

CASE 482 – Letter 9406 – “I have had very great mental trouble since the commencement of this year. One day, while looking into my papers, your letters came to hand, and on perusing them over again, I was struck by your prophetic insight into coming events in my life, which cast their shadows not before me, but before your mind’s eye.” (Details of case omitted.) – Banabihari Patit, Pleader, Cuttack, Orissa, India.

CASE 588 – “I was much worried over my son, Clarence, who was then living in Pittsburgh, Pa. Not having heard from him, I was advised to call upon you for advice…. You told me that I would see my son shortly, and that he would have a lady with him. Of course I could not reconcile this statement with my knowledge of how sick he had been. But the next morning who should walk into my room but my son, with a lady who was a perfect stranger to me.”

The following cases have been selected from among those reported by a witness other than the one concerned:

CASE 107 – Mr. Sadony was introduced to a Mr. A.A. at the Sylvan Beach Pier. In the course of conversation he told Mr. A. that his head, for the moment, resembled a long high bridge. Mr. A. replied, “That is strange, I am working on the new specifications of the bridge crossing the Mississippi River. I am an electrical Engineer.” (Was this a form of visualizing the thought?)

CASE 135 – Mr. Sadony warned William McKie, druggist in Kalamazoo, to be careful. He predicted an explosion. I received a letter from Mrs. B. enclosing a clipping, and saying “The prophecy to Mr. McKie came, and he is now lying at Borgess Hospital, severely burned as a result of the explosion. Mr. Sadony predicted to Mrs. B. that she was to meet a light complected man by name of Charles, a dentist. A month later she met a Dr. Charles H—, dentist, and married him the 20th of May.

CASE 136 – One evening in 1902 a Dr. Bell of Chicago, interviewed Mr. Sadony with regard to his experiences in psychometrizing. He brought forth an odd pocket-book, asking Mr. S. to tell him what thoughts it brought. “I imagine myself riding along on horseback”, was the reply, “I stopped at a bridge, heard a peculiar noise, and jumped from the horse.” Dr. Bell then explained that the little pocket-book was made from the skin of the snake which had the “peculiar noise”, and which he had actually killed at the brook.

Mr. Sadony then said, “Doctor, do you fear the dog of one of your patients?” “No”, answered the Doctor. “There is one that is dangerous, but he is tied up.” “Why don’t you carry a gun?” asked Mr. S., intimating that there was danger. That was the last time Mr. Sadony ever saw Dr. Bell alive, as the dog broke loose and bit him, thus causing him to die of hydrophobia.

CASE 153 – Mr. Sadony told a Mr. B. that he would change his vocation in two weeks and three days. He replied that this was impossible as he had been in the same business for nine years. Mr. B. returned later, however, to tell Mr. Sadony that this had come to pass, although he could not understand how.

Mr. Sadony told Mrs. B. to insure her husband, that she would thank him for it in two weeks. Ten days from this time he was struck by an auto and his skull fractured. Having five children, Mrs. B. was indeed thankful.

CASE 399 – C.S., night clerk of the —- Tavern, was threatened with death by a man whom he had reproached for appearing vulgar to a lady. Shortly after, Mr. Sadony advised him not to carry fire-arms. He did so, however, and one night encountered the man who had threatened him, and who now sprang at him. Mr. C.S. shot and killed him, after which he was arrested. Mr. Sadony told him in a letter not to fear as he would be acquitted, which came to pass.

(NOTE: Letter 9998, from Mr. C.S. himself reads, “I take great pleasure in being able to say that I was acquitted as you said I would be.”)

CASE 549 – September 1, 1922, Mr. Sadony predicted that before very long we would read in the papers of two attempts at assassination, one in a little country near Greece and Turkey, and one in France which would create quite a stir, as it would concern some prominent figure, such as Marshal Foche or the President. There were three witnesses to this statement. Nine others were told of the prophecy within the next day or two. Sept. 5th, clippings were found, “Arrests Bare Plot to Kill Royal Family of Roumania,” and two others: Paris, Sept. 9th, “Student Fires on President’s Home”; “Attempts to Shoot Millerand Fails.”

CASE 683 – Mr. W.R. of the Tannery was told that four inspectors would be sent to the tannery, who would find upon examination that the leather was far below average; also that an offer would be made to him, and that within three weeks there would be a man hurt badly on the second floor of the tannery. He was warned to look after the machine so that he would not be blamed. The four inspectors arrived. Four hides out of two hundred were accepted. He received an offer, and in three weeks a man’s finger was torn off on the second floor at that particular machine.

CASE 671 – “In 1907 Mr. Sadony and l were on a train coming from Belvidere, Ill. He made the remark, “The Engineer of this train seems nervous. I feel nervous too, but I think it will be over before we reach Elgin, which is the next station.” Ten minutes later the train gave a sudden jerk, followed by spasmodic jerks. The connecting rod of the engine had broken, nearly causing a serious wreck.”

CASE 1031 – On the first of January, 1923, Mr. Sadony told several friends that during the year to come there would be three occasions when the papers would take more than usual interest in a death in the moving picture world. One, he said, seemed to be, more than a movie star. One was a general favorite of many fans. The third case seemed different, not exactly a star, yet with stars involved. It looked something like murder, but he was not sure that it was actually a “death”. The friends who kept track of this matter each offered the same list at the end of a year. The first was Wallace Reid, the “general favorite”, (Jan. 17, 1923). The second was Sarah Bernhardt, who had been featured in pictures, but was “more than a movie star” being first of all a Tragedienne. The third, at the close of the year, being reported in the papers on the first day of the new year, was not a movie star, nor was it a death, but it “looked something like murder”. The headlines read, “Two Movie Stars held after rich oil man is shot in his apartment.”

CASE 672 – “But by far the most remarkable prediction to me occurred when I was with Mr. Sadony in Los Angeles in 1906. At 3:00 A.M. on Feb. 1st, Mr. Sadony awoke himself, and then woke me to tell me that someone was passing away and calling for me. On Feb. 3rd, I received a telegram saying that my father had passed away in New York at precisely that moment.”

CASE 674 – In the year 1910 Mr. Sadony predicted that the Cayuga (a steamer) would sink, or nearly sink. A little later it struck a deadhead and had to land its passengers at once.

Case 680 – One summer Mr. Sadony remarked to Mrs. A., and M.L., as they sat on the shore of White Lake, “I feel sorry for the man who is to drown in a few hours.” A few hours later a man was drowned near the Tannery.

CASE 666 – “One time white eating at the table, Mr. Sadony made the assertion to the rest of us who happened to be with him, ‘In twenty minutes from now, I see one hundred souls going down in a ship in the northeast.’ He explained that a direct line from where he sat, lying between the Atlantic Ocean and Michigan, would locate the position. We found afterwards that the name of the boat was ‘The Empress of Ireland,’ and that it sank at the time mentioned.”

CASE 667 – “Another time, when I was having dinner with Mr. Sadony at the Saratoga Café in Chicago, we ordered soup. When the waitress brought it in, he said, “You certainly were speedy in removing the mouse that fell in this soup.” She blushed and quickly returned it, but would not wait upon us. We made inquiry and found that this had actually occurred.”

CASE 710 – Mr. A.T. Mills was told that his son, Frank, then at London, would soon sign a big contract as leading man for a large Theatrical Company. A clipping soon stated “A cablegram to friends on this side of the water brings information that Frank Mills, the well known actor, has signed a contract as leading man with Olga Nethersole.”

CASE 253 – The following incident happened when Mr. Sadony was quite young. He visited the home of a man in Belvidere who took three or four swallows from a bottle of iron tonic at certain times of the day and before retiring.

One evening Mr. S. was in the upper part of the house, when he called out suddenly, “What’s that you’re drinking!” He heard a crash of glass below, and ran to find his host in the pantry, pale as a ghost. “My God”, he asked, “Why did you say that.” “I don’t know, I just had to,” replied Mr. S., who was just as startled as the other, and hardly realized what had happened. They both looked at the bottle on the floor, which had been to the man’s lips. In reaching to his accustomed shelf of medicines in the dark, confident with long habit, he had taken a bottle of iodine which had been misplaced.

CASE 557 – ln 1911 Mr. Sadony sent for three large fire extinguishers. There were those who thought this foolish, with running water in the house, and no fire at the time. He insisted, however, and filled them at once. Six hours afterwards, at 2:00 A.M., he was working in his shop. He saw flames in the window. With the chemical the house was saved. The lamp had exploded and set fire to the bedding.

CASE 558 – On meeting for the first time a Mrs. R.W., Mr. Sadony remarked that her face appeared to him, for a moment like an old man with a violin. She was startled and replied that this was strange because she had been thinking of such a man whom she had met at a musical in Paris. She expected to return to take lessons from him, if possible.

CASE 158 – On the morning of September 2, 1917, while sitting at the breakfast table, Mr. Sadony told his family and others, who were with him, that he saw C.C. overlooking his aeroplane (Lafayette Escadrille at the front in France). He was smoking a cigarette, and saying to a blond man with a very short mustache, “Believe me, I’ll get someone soon.”

Mr. Sadony then spoke of seeing a German repairing something on a broken wing. Later he saw C. go up, and while about six hundred feet high he followed another machine, trying to rise over it. Then this same German came into view far above C., and, nearing him, shot twice. C. fell.

This so impressed Mr. Sadony that he immediately wrote C. a letter, warning him, and stating “—if you will think of me and my words when in real danger, I will be able to take you by the hand and congratulate you…. But… be on the job…. I know what I am talking about….”

This was the last. A cable from Paris, dated October 4th, told of his having been seen falling down out of control, back of the German lines, after an engagement with three German planes.

CASE 371 – A. Mr. H.R. and his brother came from the East and worked for a wholesale house on Water Street, in Chicago, by the river. One day Mr. Sadony told them to “lay off” and come up, as he had something very important to tell them. They came, and that afternoon the building where they were employed, caved in, killing a number of men.

CASE 547 – (August 31, 1922) Mr. Sadony spoke in the morning to all present at his breakfast table, (nine in number) of seeing mentally some miners caught in a pocket. He said that there were 47 miners, three of whom were still alive as he spoke, trying to dig out. The rescue party were trying to dig down to them, he said, and in a day or two we would read about it in the papers.

Monday, September 1st, Miss A.H. found an article in the Chicago Tribune, dated Jackson, California, August 31st, and giving the details of the disaster. Reference to 47 miners removes the case from likelihood of “coincidence”.

CASE 612 – In their first conversation Mr. Sadony asked Mr. H. about a business in which he seemed to be interested, saying that he saw mentally a house in construction, many houses in construction, but the whole matter puzzled him because there did not seem to be any evidence of occupation at any time, present or future, and their construction seemed odd, as well as the size. Mr. H. and his friend (Mr. W.) were very much amused, as one of the projects which Mr. H. was then interested in launching and furthering, was a new kind of toy, a peculiar kind of building blocks with which children could easily construct substantial little houses of any miniature size, according to the number of blocks at hand.

Mr. S. wrote afterward to Mr. H., “I could not estimate how a structure could be built without anyone living in it! It confused me because it was so unique. But it is through these experiments that I obtain further knowledge in my researches. And as the language of symbolism was the first created, it is the most permanent and least confusing, and I naturally accept these impressions as truth. But it requires language to express, which is confusing, as it was in your case.”

The following has been selected from records in the notebook of one of Mr. Sadony’s friends.

“Mr. Sadony was on the production staff of a certain play in which Miss F.D. spoke the lines, ‘A-Chang, another star is falling from the sky….’ (meaning a death). Upon one occasion in calling this, her voice affected him so strangely that he could hardly speak. He felt the shadow of the death from which he had been doing his best to save her. Standing back of the scenes together they had talked often, and he had warned her repeatedly about certain things. The next day he wrote her a long letter, advising in detail and asking that she listen to his words before it was too late, so that in August of the following year she might look back in realizing the truth of all that he had said. But she did not heed his warnings. She did not write him at the time he had suggested. He could do no more. Six months before ‘August’ she was found dead.” (Circumstances are here omitted, but it was by no means a natural or a necessary death.)

“Then there was Mr. M.C. whom Mr. Sadony told in an interview to go slowly at Chicago Avenue and Wells St. He was one of the oldest gripmen on the Lincoln Ave. carline. The warning was not heeded. There were a number of men working at the corner mentioned. A colored man raised his head and turned around. He was struck and killed.”

“Mr. M.C. later brought another man to see Mr. Sadony. Mr. S. said that he could see nothing for him after Thursday. He seemed to be there, but in a sort of haze through which Mr. S. could barely see him. He could see a clock on Monroe Street, as the car in which the man seemed to be sitting passed a jewelry store. It was nine-thirty. The man made light of it. The next Thursday at nine-thirty he dropped dead of heart failure at Monroe Street.”

The following cases are selected from another notebook as recorded by one witness, and corroborated in many of its details by ten to fifteen others:

CASE 1009 – One time, when eating some blueberries that had been brought to him, he spoke of what he saw “through the eyes of one of the berries.” He described the scene, which was in large proportions, a giant burned stump on one side and nearby an enormous tree, also black and burned. We were told by the friend who had brought the berries that in just such a location the berries had been picked, but that the burned stump was quite small, and the tree of average size.

CASE 1010 – And again, some honey was sent to Joseph from another state. As he tasted it he closed his eyes, and said that he was imagining that he was one of the bees, and described the scene that he saw while in search of flowers for the honey that he was tasting. He wrote this description in the letter in which he thanked his unknown friends for the gift. They replied that the scene he had described was their own home and farm, where the bees had indeed obtained the very honey that they had sent him.

CASE 1014 – At lunch one noon in January of 1922, Joseph asked me to remind him to tell me of something that he saw, but which he did not like to mention at the table. Later I asked him, and he told me that he had seen a family in Russia eating the limb of a little girl. The rest was cooked and ready to eat. It was too horrible for him to look longer. The child was not their own, but a neighbor’s. He spoke also of an old woman that had been consumed…. We found a clipping in the paper dated February 1st, which spoke of “an old woman and a child of nine that have followed the cats and dogs that already have been consumed.”

CASE 1024 – When Mrs. Nitti’s case first came out in the papers, there appeared no other outcome than that she would hang. In fact she was sentenced, yet Joseph said “Mrs Nitti will never hang.” He repeated this more than once, as time passed. So I made a note. “Mrs. Nitti will not hang. Watch papers.” A clipping of April 14th read, “Supreme Court saves Mrs. Nitti from Gallows.” “New Trial granted Mrs. Nitti.” Other clippings gave further details. Joseph explained the form in which this prediction came to him. He “imagined” seeing the mother’s hand stretched toward the Master praying, “Do not let her enter Eternity that way.” The look on the Master’s face was as it had been when He said to the woman, “—then neither do I condemn thee. Go — and sin no more.”

Addendum, December 1, 1924: Papers reported “Mrs. Nitti Freed. Case is Dropped.”

CASE 1025 – At breakfast on the morning of Feb. 15th, 1924, Joseph told us of having awakened early “seeing” a man striking his wife with an axe. Why he should have “tuned in” with this at just that time, he did not know. A few days later a clipping was found among some papers about to be thrown away. What he had “seen” in his passing “glimpse” was happening at the time. “Attacks his wife with axe,” reads the caption. “Green Valley, Ill., Feb. 15th, Ed. Ary, a farmer living seven miles southeast of here, after attacking his wife and three daughters with an axe early this morning, hanged himself in a grove near his home in Malone Township”…. etc.

CASE 1026 – As we were driving downtown one day, we passed a Mr. M. and his family. As we approached them Joseph said, “Just now he is saying, “Here comes Sadony’s car.” One of the boys afterwards asked Mr. M’s daughter what her father had said as they approached. “He said, ‘Here come’s Sadony’s car'” she replied.

CASE 1027 – The son of the owner of a gravel boat was drowned in White Lake. The coast guard were unable to locate the body. That night, at midnight, Joseph went out with a friend, equipped with an electric searchlight and a storage battery. He tied three sinkers to three corks and told the friend to row about in the dark, which he did, making circles with his eye on a dock-light to keep his bearings. Suddenly Joseph felt that they were above the body and dropped one of the corks. They repeated the process until the third cork had been dropped, then they turned on the light. At one side of the boat they beheld the three corks floating within a short distance from each other. In the midst of them Joseph put the light down into the water. He was himself quite startled to see the beam of light shining directly upon a dead and upturned face. The body was wedged between two logs so that the drags of the coast-guard had passed over it without revealing its presence.

CASE 1051 – We drove to Muskegon one day in October of 1923. Joseph pointed to a particular telephone post as we passed it – only one out of the thousands along the Michigan State Highway – and he said, “That post will be smashed by a car. We will watch and see.” But November and December passed without the sign of a scratch. On January 15th we drove along the same road for the first time in a number of days. The post was broken and splintered. Markings on the ground showed plainly where a car had left the road at great speed….

“A new bridge was being built over the river between Whitehall and Montague. Joseph pointed to a particular section of railing in the temporary detour bridge. ‘Next time we pass, that will be broken,’ he said. ‘At that point a driver will lose confidence in passing a Southbound car.’ And the next day, but one, we found the railing under repair at the point foreseen.”

CASE 1029 – One evening Joseph parked his car in front of a small cigar and candy store. The little Italian keeper came out and began to tell him of his troubles with his wife, and of how terrible and cruel she was.

Joseph told him to be good to her, “for just two weeks,” he said, “And you will not regret it. Everything will be for the best then. She will not be with you after that. She will be happy. You will be happy, if you have been kind and good.”

“She will die,” he told us after we had left. “He will then know that I knew, if he does not now.”

Three weeks later we drew up in front of the same little store. The little man ran out and offered Joseph a big fat cigar as a gift.

“By golly, you were right,” he beamed. “She died last week.”

And from the same notebook we take the following extracts: “He predicted the transparent gas that was later developed and put to such deadly use…. He saw a fleet of submarines before the submarine was invented…. He saw the secret of blowing up submarines by foreseeing the side blown out of the first one, and watching it sink…. And he told in details of remarkable methods of the spies and spoke in particular of a string of English towns on or near the coast where men kept carrier pigeons that left for Germany daily with intimate reports of what was going on….

He foretold a Catastrophy that would occur within a month or two – seven to twelve hundred people taken at once, – not shot as in war, but like a tidal wave of souls going over. And not once but many times he foretold such catastrophies as well as describing the scene at the moment that it was happening so many hundred or thousands of miles away. Many times it would be the sinking of a great ship. Other times an earthquake. But always we would hear of it as prophesied, and with all details as described.

“Then perhaps he would speak of some smaller Catastrophe happening nearer home, as for instance was recorded on January 6th, 1918. ‘A house is burning so many miles north of here’, he said. And the next day this was proved to be true.

“And again on the 10th of the same month he was seized with the feeling of houses burning or burned, and of persons lost in the snow and suffering with cold. It was discovered that one house was at that time completely destroyed by fire, and that the entire family, father, mother and four children were forced into the snow in their night clothes. And at the same time there were other fires less serious. And a man, the caretaker of Alexander Dowie’s home on White Lake was lost in a snowdrift and died…..

“And then, at times, Joseph would show us a small revolving model of the world, with a detailed map upon its surface. He would imagine that it was the Earth itself, and would describe the feelings and thoughts that came to him from different parts at different times. Past, Present and Future. And he would point to certain countries and certain cities, saying ‘At this moment this and this is happening such and such a man is planning that; earthquakes here; a ship at the bottom of the sea there….’

“And Joseph prophesied the end of the war in a remarkable manner. He said that the war would be soon over. But there was an American flag hanging before his home. It showed signs of the weather. He was about to replace it with a new one, but he changed his mind one day when he was asked about the war. ‘When the last star falls from that flag,’ he said, ‘The World War will be over.’ And it is a remarkable fact that the last star blew down on Nov. 11th of 1918, when the Armistice was signed.

“It is hard to explain these things. Was this a wonderful ‘sign’ from some higher power, or did Joseph in foreseeing the time of the War’s end, see also other details of the same day, thus making use of a strange ‘coincidence’, just as he might have seen a certain branch of a tree to fall, which would enable him to say, ‘When that branch falls down the war will be over?'”

CASE 568 – (A newspaper clipping) “J.A. Sadony foretold a great disaster which would happen the first week in May, and no one paid much attention to his prophecy. The fact is being recalled in the light of the Lusitania disaster.”

CASE 568a – (Another clipping) “Jan. 30th Now that Italy is beginning to recover from effects of the earthquakes which have brought ruin and desolation, country folk here recall that Mr. J.A. Sadony prophesied three months ago the approach of an unusual commotion of the earth in the southern part of Europe shortly after New Year’s….”

CASE 163 – Letter 1184 – “… You then told me about papers my family had of which they were not aware, that would show that we owned a mine in the southwest, away from railroads. The mine had been abandoned, but was still in operation at that time, although we did not know this then. We found the papers, showing that the records, etc., had been burned in 1872, and were never heard of since, as the original owners were dead. But now we own the mine, after several lawsuits, etc. But had we not found out about them that year, and paid the taxes, we would have lost them, as jumpers had been paying the taxes and working them….

“Last summer I was present when you warned a young man about going into the water because of heart trouble. That next Sunday he was drowned. (Mr. McCabe, of Chicago)

“You have told many things that were taking place at the time….”

CASE 484 – (Srikrishna Chatterjee, B. L. Cuttack, India: youngest son of Prem Chandra Tarkavagisha, distinguished Sanskrit Scholar of Bengal in the 19th Century.)

Mr. Chatterjee wrote to ask, “Do you know of anybody who could give me a spirit photograph of my departed father? He was the Professor of Rhetoric in the Sanskrit College of Calcutta from the thirties to the middle sixties….

Mr. Sadony replied, “As I read your card, a strange feeling came to me, as if your father brought it; and with him a younger woman, with a most beautiful soul. He spoke first in a strange language, then in five different tongues, the last a universal language I understood. The names were all foreign ones, but I will give them as closely as possible. “My son, the only photograph of my features I shall imprint on your soul. My deeds are photographed in the minds of my past friends. There is no pen, color, or chemical on earth that can reproduce my present features…. These words you are now reading are the only photograph of myself I can give you….” Now then, dear brother, the voice of the woman seemed to speak, and she called the name “Birwar”, “Borwar”, or “Birtware”, and continued as if speaking to him. It appears that this boy, who must be her son, was at the brink of Eternity twice. She further speaks of the joy of holding in her arms in the future this boy’s male child. But she warns him to he more careful of his health. Then there were three more she spoke of – one older, the name sounded something like “Ratuswar”, and then she came to your name, but it sounded so different than you have signed it that I could hardly understand, till she pointed to your card. When I asked mentally when she was blessed with a spiritual form, the answer as near as I could understand was 1902. The relief from her suffering was so great, as she said, that she has been in ecstasy since.” (Remainder of message omitted here.)

“I have no doubt whatsoever” wrote M. Chatterjee, “that the ‘younger woman’ is my dear departed wife. She went to the Higher Life on the 4th of January, 1903.” (Note: four days later than 1902.) “She died of tetanus after terrible suffering of 16 or 17 days…. The name ‘Birwar’ is a contraction or corruption of ‘Bireswar,’ the name of my third boy. Yes he was on the brink of Eternity twice, his last illness being double pneumonia. I fear my dear wife will not have the joy of holding in her arms in the future this boy’s male child, as he has set his face against marriage….

“‘Ratuswar’ is a contraction of ‘Ratueswar’, my second boy…. As to my name…. Do you know that Hindu ladies do not pronounce their husband’s names during their earth life?….”

Mr. Sadony wrote in a letter of June, 1916, “This I know positively, that your wife will influence your son to marry.”

In a letter of 1916, Mr. Sadony predicted the end of the war. Then in April, 1917, he wrote to the son, ”…. You will make the change to another city, and before you receive this letter you will have made two changes. At first things may appear slow, but it is as a moth in a cocoon, waiting for this cruel war to end, which will come to pass sooner than the world realizes, as even now the central powers have formed a plan to surrender with as good grace as possible under the circumstances. England and the Allies will be the gainers. India will awaken – at least her sons, who will make use of the opportunity to become coworkers with all the world….” (Remainder of letter omitted.)

A postscript to another letter read, “I see one body in your place being divested of its soul. Let me know if this has occurred since my writing this, as I expect one more to follow. And tell Abhaya that God has called her to His home….”

In Jan. 1920, a letter from the son stated, “I have passed through the changes you predicted.”

In March, the father wrote, “‘You say, ‘At one time since my last communication (1917) I seemed to see you at the portals of death.’ If it was in August or September, 1918, you would be right, for I was then in the death-door condition. It was an attack of influenza…. You say ‘You are now 68 years of age, are you not?’ My answer is, I am now in the 67th year of my age.

“In reference to your message of death, my eldest brother died a year after your seeing the vision, (March, 1918), and my second brother followed him in December. Your prophecy about my sister Abhaya appears to be erroneous. She is living still.” (Note: She died one year and one month after the date of this letter.)

“Your prophecy that my wife’s spirit will influence my boy to marry has come true. He married in August last. He is now Professor at the Bhumikar Brahman College….”

“Another prediction of yours has also been verified. In your letter of Feb. 20th, 1916, you predicted a ‘Journey’. That journey was undertaken by me in October, 1919. In September I was seized with a desire to see my second boy and his two children and wife at Nasirabad, which must be about 1500 miles from this place…. I went to Calcutta, and thence proceeded…. I visited Arraha, Pushkar, Chitor, Udaipur, Ujjain, (and eight other places) in the course of my ‘Journey’. I showed your letter to several friends, and told many more that you had predicted my journey upwards of three years before.

Addendum Case 484 – In February of 1924, Mr. Sadony entered his Study, stating that he distinctly felt the presence of Srikrishna Chatterjee, who at that time seemed to be in a dying or unconscious condition.

Upon receipt of a booklet sent him by Mr. Sadony in April, Mr. Chatterjee wrote, “There is much truth in the dubiousness expressed by the words, ‘if still with us’, on the title page…. I was confined to bed by a profound nervous prostration for five months from Nov. 1923…. It seemed to me that consciousness had left me. It has now come back….”

In August of 1924 Mr. Sadony wrote, “With regard to my writing ‘If still with us’, in presenting my booklet to you, my reason was a peculiar incident. About the middle of February, while in my Study, I seemed to feel your presence, just as if you were in that sphere which hovers between death and life, a living dreamland, the sphere which brings me so many messages – as if you were in the next world, but still anchored by a silk thread to this one. I began to fear, for I felt that you had something still to complete….”

Just as this booklet was going to press, a letter was received from Mr. Chatterjee, in which he stated, “You are quite right in saying that in February last I was in that sphere which hovers between life and death – in the next world. Dear brother, it seemed to me that I died, and have come back to life again…”

With this letter came a copy of the fifth edition of the life of Srikrishna Chatterjee’s father, (Life and Slokas of Prem Chandra Tarkavagisa, by Rai Ramakhoy Chatterji Bahadur, printed by Norendra Nath Bose at the St. Andrew’s Steam Printing Works, 81 Radha Bazar Street, Calcutta). It is written in Bengali, but at the close, in English, we find an account of the attempt which had been made to secure a spirit photograph of the Pandit Tarkavagisa. There is reference to communication with “Julia’s Bureau” in London, the medium photographer Edward Wyllie, the Normans, etc. (From all of which excuse had been offered for failure to produce the desired photograph).

Then the account concludes, “At last in 1916, Mr. Joseph A. Sadony, the great American psychic, when communicated with on the subject, wrote to say: – ‘As I read your card’, etc. (quoting in detail the message given at the beginning of this case, 484.)

“Thus”, concludes the writer, “the question whether a spirit photo of the Pandit could be had, has received its quietus after a correspondence with different psychics and mediums in almost all parts of the world extending over a period of nearly twelve years.”

“I leave it to others to explain these things,” Mr. Sadony has often said of his work and experiences, “These are the results. I am willing to tell of the steps that led up to them. The Scientist must explain, if he can.”

If I have prophesied, even once, correctly, this is absolute proof of more than the possibility. We all possess the ability to “foresee”, but our objective desires are too strong to allow subjective thoughts to live. Meals and sleep come too close together for most of us, and our desire for excitement and companionship deafens our ears to the secrets of seclusion. I am often sad for the want of someone to share with me all that fills the entire atmosphere from time immemorial, using me as a willing subject. Does this seem strange? The air today is filled with music and laughter, even in the dead loneliness and silence of the Wilderness. Tune in your radio and see!

  • Joseph A. Sadony

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