Welcome to The Valley of the Pines Website
This site is dedicated to the legacy of Joseph A. Sadony and the people that he touched with his life. Joseph led an extraordinary life and lived it to it’s fullest, never asking for anything in return. Here you will find all the information you could ever want to know about his life and work.
We are in the process of cleaning up and restoring the Valley of the Pines which has fallen into disrepair. We are also working to organize all the information on and in the estate. Thousands upon thousands of pages of letters, books, photographs, scrap books, articles, journals, and much more will be available for research.
So sit back, relax, with an open mind and a thirst for knowledge enjoy the following pages and continue to check back periodically because this site will do nothing but continue to grow. It has been a long time coming but we think Grandpa would be proud of what we are doing.